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在这样恶劣的天气里去爬山简直是愚蠢到家了。It's sheer idiocy to go climbing in such bad weather.

亲爱的高寒先生,你的愚蠢又再次让我惊愕。Dear Mr Gao, you amazed me with your idiocy once again.

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他后来说的那些话只能算是白痴的呓语。His talking about it on the other hand is just pure idiocy.

愚钝之触将不禁升阶了,因为其无豁免。Touch of Idiocy no longer permits Heighten, as it has no save.

“你说你的头发没有了?”他带着近乎白痴的神情问道。“You say you hair is gone?”he said,with an air almost of idiocy.

方鸿学长,将那个武神学院的白痴揍一顿!Hong senior of square beats the idiocy of that martial theological seminary!

这个法案将在你意识到这是一种白痴的闹剧时土崩瓦解。It's when you realise this is the sort of idiocy in play that this law falls apart.

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这些协议里陈述的条款非凡的白痴行为很明显是狄更斯式的。The terms set out in thoseagreements are positively Dickensian in their marvelous idiocy.

法庭认定曼尼奇被指控是个笨蛋的罪名成立,他将被惩罚再执教国米三年…Lega tribunal found Mancini guilty of idiocy and sentenced him to three more years as the coach of Inter.

法庭认定曼尼奇被指控是个笨蛋的罪名成立,他将被惩罚再执教国米三年…A Lega tribunal found Mancini guilty of idiocy and sentenced him to three more years as the coach of Inter.

你愿意听我的建议来让你这个大白痴少浪费气力吗?Would you be willing to listen to my ideas on how you could achieve greater idiocy with less wasted effort?

天津的这个年轻人自称“电脑白痴”,遇到死机都会惊慌失措。This youth of Tianjin professes " computer idiocy " , encounter dead airplane the metropolis is panic-stricken.

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某白痴总是吐啊,吐啊,还跟男的睡过一次,但没搞,她怀疑自己怀孕了呢?Some idiocy always is spat, spit, still follow to had slept maly, but did not do, does she suspect she was pregnant?

正当我对这种愚蠢做法感到不可思议的时候,晚上10点半最后的祷告钟声响起了。Just as I was reflecting on the crass idiocy of this approach, the last call to prayers began to ring out at 10.30pm.

他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。His ising unlike is the idiocy for losing her heading, also being unlike is the passivism for seeing through the emptiness of the world.

早晨的雾在山谷里缓缓聚集,而那雾便是你,变得越来越浓厚,越来越陷入个人生活的虚构,幻想和愚蠢。The morning mist was gathering slowly in the valley, and that mist was you, getting more and more thick, more and more into the fancy, the romance, the idiocy of one's own life.