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天真是一种没有欲望的状态。Puerility is kind of a desire-free state.

我会努力把自己从幼稚变得成熟。I will try to get out from puerility and become more sophisticated.

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再这里认识大家很高兴,喜欢他们的天真,活泼。其实我也很可爱!I am glad to know you here, and i like your puerility and liveliness.

你何苦让自己,越陷越深别傻了,用你的天真,去控制不安的灵魂。Don't be fool anymore, just by your puerility , to control the disturbed soul.

她的谈吐非常奇特,总是那么既大胆放肆同时又天真无邪。There was always, in her conversation, the same odd mixture of audacity and puerility.

脱离了社会的复杂和孩童的稚嫩,我站在这个尴尬的位置打开了这样一本书。Being without the sophistication of society or the puerility of children, I opened it at this embarrassing position.

变化如此之快的人,只要找到我很幼稚认为没有\知道如何处理以及与人民之间的关系作出了自己辛苦。People change so quickly, just find I am so puerility that didn't know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard.

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在我国深化改革和扩大对外开放的进程中,特别是在面临入世的机遇下,幼稚产业保护问题日显重要。In the course of deepening reforms and opening wider to the outside world, China is faced with the chance to join the WTO and the problem of puerility protection of industries stands out.

天真的艾玛对婚姻和配偶抱着太高的期望值,却从没有体贴丈夫的需要,任性妄为,从没有为丈夫、为家庭考虑过半分。Puerility Emma expected marriage and her mate too much. However, she never thought about what her husband needed. She commit all kinds of outrages and never considered her husband and family.

面对国旗,统一身着无偿献血志愿者T恤的学生们齐声宣誓,为告别青葱、走向成熟宣示自己的心声。Facing the national flag, the students in uniform T shirts carrying the words of" Non- remunerated Blood Donation Volunteers" sworn in unison to bid farewell to their puerility and usher in maturity.