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每个红褐色的斑点都很清楚。And every fleck of russet showing clear.

我假装拭去一只眼睛里的沙粒。I pretended to rub a fleck of grit from one eye.

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蒜苔没有黄斑点及其它病毒。The garlic moss has no yellow fleck or other virus.

斑点适应几乎所有已知的音乐类别。Fleck adapts to just about every known musical category.

在这里,她唱歌和戏剧明星班卓琴与曼陀林球员贝拉斑点。Here, she sings and plays mandolin with star banjo player Bela Fleck.

在这里,她唱歌和戏剧明星班卓琴与曼陀林球员贝拉斑点。Here, she sings and plays mandolin with star banjo player Bela Fleck.

遗传性雀斑能根治吗?出手术外,怎么治疗?Can transmissibility fleck effect a radical cure? Outside skill art, how to treat?

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此系统或可应用于治疗老年斑、皮肤癌、皮肤疾病等。The system is applied in curing such skin diseases as age pigment, skin cancer and fleck.

你的网页,将负载在一个新的窗口,你会看到斑点工具栏全国底部。Your web page will load in a new window and you'll see the Fleck toolbar across the bottom.

在你的个人标记页面上,你会找到你所有标记的网页以及别人与你分享的网页。On your personal fleck page you'll find all your flecked pages and the pages others shared with you.

默认情况下,斑点,使所有公共胶粘的,但你可以改变这给私人使用浮动工具栏。By default, Fleck makes all stickies public, but you can change that to private using the floating toolbar.

牧师说他给了斯基亚沃圣酒但是无法给她一颗圣餐面包粒,因为她的舌头太干了。The priest said he gave Schiavo wine but could not give her a fleck of communion bread because her tongue was dry.

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上一场比赛是在1月31日,流浪者队2-0击败邓迪联队,进球队员是弗莱克和拉弗尔蒂。In the last league match on 31 January, the Rangers won 2-0 against Dundee United with goals by Fleck and Lafferty.

海星的每个足上都有一个红斑,此红斑是一团能够感觉明暗的感觉细胞。A red fleck at the tip of each of the starfish's arms is a concentration of sensory cells that allows light-dark perception.

当转速快到这种程度时,一滴打在你身上的1毫米的油漆点厉害得就象一颗近距离发射的.22口径的子弹。When it is whirring so fast, a one millimetre fleck of paint hits you as hard as a .22 caliber bullet fired at point blank range.

美国班卓琴大师贝拉·佛莱克在三十年以来将这种乐器注入爵士、流行、古典及世界音乐,并赢得八个格林美奖。In his trailblazing 30-year career, Béla Fleck has brought the instrument into jazz, pop, classical and world music settings, and won eight Grammys along the way.

药品回扣是市场经济冲击医疗服务产生的赘疣,成为社会关注的焦点。On the impact of market economy, the medicine rebate has become the fleck of medical services, in the meanwhile has been rectified as a focal point of the society.

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此外,药物是肌肤的大敌,尤其是安眠药会使体内产生过多酸性,激素失衡,脸上生出雀斑。In addition, medicaments is the archenemy of skin, especially sleeping pill can make overmuch acidity arises inside body, hormone unbalance, a fleck is born on the face.