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这一点我们在宗教法庭时期安达鲁西亚和科尔多瓦的历史上看得很清楚。We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition.

在2008年,安大路西亚市有177个孩子的母亲是14岁或不足14岁的女孩。In 2008, 177 children were born to girls aged 14 or under in the province of Andalusia.

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该城的影响力遍及整个西部穆斯林世界,从非洲北部一直到安大路西亚。Its influence was felt throughout the western Muslim world, from North Africa to Andalusia.

自2010年10月以来,西班牙*已报告了两起目前仍在进展中的麻疹病例疫情,安达卢西亚已报告600多名病例。Spain* has reported two ongoing measles outbreaks since October 2010, with more than 600 cases reported in Andalusia.

在安达路西亚这个地方,只有斗牛值得一看,不过我希望你多准备些时间,因为看一次斗牛要用整整一下午。In Andalusia it's the only thing to do, but I hope you have some time on your hands. A "corrida" can take the whole afternoon.

这一罢工导致除安达卢西亚自治区以外的各地领空关闭,西班牙全国民航陷入瘫痪。The strike led to addition of Andalusia autonomous closed airspace around the outside of the Spanish National Civil Aviation paralyzed.

安达鲁西亚早先以义大利西部片以及移民而文明,现在这个地区带领全球,发扬永续且环保的农耕方式。Formerly known for its spaghetti westerns and southern emigres , Andalusia is now leading the worldwide shift to sustainable, green farming methods.

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参观格兰纳特后,我们忍不住说声再见,安达鲁西亚!这绝对是一趟西班牙文化珍品的享受。我们希望能逗留更长时间、欣尝更多的西班牙文化。After seeing granada, we said goodbye to andalusia. it had definitely treated us to treasures of spanish culture. we just wish we could have stayed longer.

参观安大路西亚的塞维利亚附近的骑马中心将极好的骑术与西班牙南部丰富文化的吸引人介绍融在一起。Visiting a riding center near Seville in Andalusia combines excellent riding with fascinating introductions to the rich culture of this area of southern Spain.

安达卢西亚社会事务部长米卡埃拉•纳瓦罗称,婴儿的父亲也是未成年人,母亲和婴儿的身体状况良好。Micaela Navarro, the Andalusia region's social affairs minister, said the father of the baby is also a minor, and both the mother and the baby were in good health.

就像许多变性人一样,这个来自安达卢西亚南区的年轻女性,自觉被束缚于女性身体中,并在八年前发现她渴望在生理上成为男性。Like many transsexuals , the young woman from the southern region of Andalusia felt trapped in the wrong body, and realized eight years ago that she wanted to become biologically a man.

巴伦西亚案件第一阶段即调查阶段可能需要六个月之久,已有各地相似经历的民众参加,他们分别来自巴斯克县、马德里、加泰罗尼亚、安大路西亚和加那利群岛。The Valencia case, whose first, investigatory phase is expected to take six months, is being joined by similar ones in the Basque Country, Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia and the Canary Islands.

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对西班牙南部安达鲁西亚自治区港镇巴巴提的镇长而言,如果当地有个年轻人因为找不到工作而干起毒品买卖,不该理所当然地就把他归类为犯罪分子。Barbate spain to the mayor of this port town in the southern region of andalusia a young person who cannot find a job and turns to drug dealing should not automatically be called a delinquent.