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返回以前匹配项的子序列。Returns the subsequence of the previous match.

在给定输入序列中匹配子序列的特定发生事件matching a specific occurrence of a subsequence in a given input sequence

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在此基础上,提出排序的子序列相似查询算法。Then on these basis, ranked subsequence similarity search algorithm is proposed.

在给定输入序列中匹配子序列的特定发生事件和位置matching a specific occurrence and position of a subsequence in a given input sequence

根据顺序和程序为客人安排座位,点单并服务食物和饮料。Assigns seats to guest according to subsequence and procedures, takes order of food and beverage.

对一个数列的奇子列和偶子列收敛且极限相等则原数列收敛的性质做了推广。The property of the convergent sequence about even subsequence and odd subsequence is generalized.

申请的先后排序以商务部管理网络终端显示为准。The subsequence shown in management network terminal of Ministry of Commerce is taken as the criterion.

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在文章最后,笔者还提出了集成技术成果的专利运营和价值实现问题,指明了本课题的后继研究方向。Finally, the author points out the exertion and the commerce is the subsequence direction of this topic.

处理步骤是先加硫酸亚铁使之沉淀,然后过滤。The treatment sequence involved addition of ferrous sulfate for precipitation and subsequence filtration.

利用求最长公共子序列的方法计算二个序列的匹配度,实现时间序列的相似性搜索。By calculating the longest common subsequence , finally, similarity searching in time-series data sets is realized.

提出一种新的基于符号化表示的时间序列频繁子序列的挖掘算法。This paper proposes a new algorithm for mining frequent subsequence in time series based on symbolic representation.

最后就相似性补充了两个蛋白质序列间最长公共子序列问题。At last, for the similarity, the author gives how to get the longest common subsequence between two protein sequences.

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钛酸与碳酸锌分子生成的先后顺序影响得到的钛酸锌的结构。The structure of zinc titanate was affected by the reaction subsequence of the formation of titanic acid and zinc carbonate.

该系统设计软件提高了光学收发箱体结构设计效率,为后续的分析优化奠定了基础。This design software improves the efficiency of structural design and provides a basis for subsequence analysis or optimization.

该算法利用高效的索引方法,达到快速的匹配,解决了多序列的子序列匹配问题。Using an efficient index method, people can get a fast matching, and have solved the subsequence matching of multi -subsequence.

对于用调和数列的子列表示正有理数的问题,研究了一些特殊情况。On expressing any positive rational number as sum of different terms of a given subsequence of harmonic sequence, some particular cases are studies.

从割接的前期准备和割接的后续工作等方面进行了详细规划,为整个工程的有效、有序实施提供了保证。The text introduced and layout the aspects of the preparation and the subsequence to ensure the actualization of this project availability and orderly.

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当你要迭代文本中所有的匹配,并且每个子序列都从上一次结束时开始匹配的话,这个转义是很有用的。This escape useful if you're iterating over the matches contained within a text, and you want each subsequence match to start where the last one ended.

该方法用蛋白质原始序列的子序列分布来描述氨基酸序列,从而充分考虑了蛋白质序列的信息。FDOD describes protein primary sequences by their subsequence distributions, therefore, the information of protein sequences is sufficiently taken into account.

市场突破失败后跌至1329点之下可能触发一轮大跌,目标直指1294点附近的短期交易区间底部。A failure to breakout follows by a subsequence decline below 1329 could trigger a massive selloff that targeting the bottom of its short-term trading range near 1294.