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在那个年代里,900铢是不少的钱。In those days 900 baht was a lot of money.

其价值维持在40铢兑换1美元左右。The value tends to hover around 40 baht to one US dollar.

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文物专家介绍,陶币“五铢”用作冥币。Antiquities experts, Tao prototype "five baht" for the rivers.

如今曼谷的出租车都打表计程,当地的惯例是把车费凑整到最近的五铣的倍数。Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.

当时我们住的是每晚1,999泰国铢的房间,早餐免费。We hired the room 1,999 Baht per night only inclusive breakfast.

1992年开始泰拳生涯,当时他的出场费只有80泰铢。Muay Thai career began in 1992, when his appearance fee is only 80 baht.

如今曼谷的出租车都打表计程,当地的惯例是把车费整到最接近的五铢的倍数。Taxi are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.

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如今曼谷的出租车都打表计程,当地的惯例是把车费凑整到最近的五铢的倍数。Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.

目前,泰铢浮动自由,在中央银行的干预下避免了过度波动。The baht currently floats freely, with the central bank intervening to avoid excessive volatility.

在这个时候,或炒饭,花180铢,然后可以在火车东帕塔亚公园。At this time, or fried rice, and spent 180 baht , and then get on the train to the East Pattaya Park.

该桥造型优美独特,横跨湄南河,现已成为曼谷的标志性建筑并印制在流通的20泰铢纸币上。It has now become a landmark structure in Bangkok and is now printed in the current 20-notes Thai baht.

这些汉代五铢陶币成串扎堆出土,在扬州所发掘的墓葬中尚不多见。These five baht Han Tao hit each other coins unearthed in the excavation of graves in Yangzhou is still rare.

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她每接一次客收入只有100泰铢,可是她除了偿债,还得付三万泰铢的房租。She was told to repay it, as well as a monthly rent of 30,000 baht , from her earnings of 100 baht per customer.

2004年,兰坎与另外7头大象一起绘制了一幅油画,售得150万泰铢,打破纪录。In 2004, Lankam joined 7 fellow elephants to create a record-breaking oil painting, which was sold for 1.5m baht.

泰国当选总理英禄•西那瓦称,泰铢应该自由的浮动,受市场机制的调节。Thai Prime Minister-elect Yingluck Shinawatra says the Thai baht should float freely and be left to market forces.

开掘垄沟的费用在机场附近被膨胀了对三十亿个泰铢和聘用的治安警卫对五十亿个泰铢。The cost of digging ditches around the airport was inflated to three billion baht and hiring security guards to five billion baht.

扬州以往墓葬发掘中清理出的以铜铸“五铢”最为常见,陶币“五铢”很少见到。Yangzhou tomb discovered in the past out of the simulator to "five baht, " the most common, Tao prototype "five baht" rarely seen.

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泰国的卫生筹资以税收为主,通过“30铢计划”实现了基本卫生服务项目的全民覆盖。Health financing in Thailand mainly come from taxes. All people have been covered by primary health service by "30 baht health plan".

帕尼坦说,泰内阁12日批准了一项9.35亿泰铢的预算案,以帮助南部地区迅速恢复被洪涝灾害损毁的交通设施。Panitan said, the Thai Cabinet approved a 12 935 million baht budget to help quickly restore the southern flood damaged transport facilities.

与自私者为友,像把自己的灵魂挂在秤钩上,价值镏铢,形容猥琐。Selfish and to make friends with those who, like his soul hang in the balance hook, the value of the baht lutetium, described as insignificant.