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莫里茨·盖格尔运用现象学的方法建立了价值论美学。By using phenomenological method, Moritz Geiger found axiological aesthetics.

第四,从价值维度阐释学习的价值。Fourth, this dissertation studies the value of learning from axiological dimension.

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人文精神就是永无止息地追求幸福的自由精神,它是价值论哲学的灵魂和核心。Humanism is to pursue happiness endlessly, which is the spirit and core of the axiological philosophy.

这使得评价的认识本质和真理性问题成为价值哲学的时代课题。So the problems of cognitive essence and truth of valuation become the urgent axiological issue of the epoch.

这些,皆对当代诗学与价值论美学的重建具有启示。All these provide some enlightenments to the reconstruction of contemporary poetics and axiological aesthetics.

今天,价值论哲学有可能成为打通阻碍我们哲学理论创新的中、西、马哲学壁垒的一把钥匙。The comtemporary Axiological Philosophy will offer unlimited prospect of bringing the three doctrines into peaceful coexistence.

探寻和揭示实践的价值论意蕴,有利于人类反思和规约其现实实践活动。Exploring the axiological content of practice is beneficial to man's reflection on himself and to the controlling of his practice in reality.

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我们可以分别从语言学、认识论以及价值哲学层面找到新标准观的合理性依据。We shall find the rational basis of the new criterion respectively from the perspective of linguistics, epistemology and axiological philosophy.

研究布伦塔诺的价值理论,无论对于国内价值哲学研究,还是对于在当代道德价值的重建都具有深刻的意义。The study of Brentano's value theory is of a great significance to both the axiological research in China and the reconstruction of contemporary ethic.

实践论思维方式也是现代价值哲学研究价值现象的正确合理的思维方式。Mode of thinking on practical theory is also the true and rational mode of thinking by which modern axiological philosophy studies axiological phenomena.

最后,本文指出,20世纪的法治观念是一个内容丰富的概念,也是一种价值取向明显的意识形态。At last, the paper points out the idea of rule by law in the 20th century is not only a concept of abundant content, but also an ideology of obvious axiological inclination.

在如何处理个人与社会的关系问题上存在着个人主义与整体主义两种不同的思想体系,而它们各自又呈现为价值论的与方法论的两种不同的形态。There are two ideal systems named individualism and holism in dealing with the relationship between individual and society. Both of them indicate two forms, methodological and axiological.

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从价值论角度来看,武德反映的是一种特殊的主客体关系。正是这种主客体关系的特殊性,决定了武德基本功能与道德一般功能的相同和不同。Military virtue reflects the very subject object relationship from an axiological point of view , and this relationship decides the sameness and difference between military virtue and general moral.

奥林匹克精神追求发明一种以奋斗为乐、发挥良好模范的教育作用并尊敬根本公德准则为基本的生活方法。Olympism seeks to actualize a way of life abjectd on the joy begin in accomplishment, dre beats, the apprenticeshipal amount of a good archetype and esteem for accepted axiological beliefal attempt.