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实质性的改变才是真本事Substantial Changes Harder to Copy

但是挑战仍然是严峻的。But the challenges remain substantial.

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这部分区域被称为是黑质细胞。This area is called the substantial nigra.

他是个结实不露感情的人。He was an undemonstrative man, substantial.

“宽级”会造成很大的范围重叠。Broad banding may produce substantial overlap.

阿塔阿瓦德湖——湖泊水位没有明显变化.Attabad—No substantial changes in the lake level.

产品的致密化可能相当重要。Densification of the product could be substantial.

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可是北京仍不满足于其丰厚的所得。Yet Beijing was not content at its substantial gains.

他的话里真实的诚挚感动了陪审团。The substantial sincerity of his words moved the jury.

他们是一个庞大的存在,因为适合的内容。They are a substantial presence as befits the content.

皮尔逊先生住在郊区一座坚固的城堡里。Mr Pearson lived in a substantial castle in the suburb.

她正在准备一顿丰盛的饭菜为他接风。She is preparing a substantial meal against his return.

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他们正在准备一顿丰盛的饭菜为他接风。They are preparing substantial meal against his return.

减去遗产税,他继承了富裕的财产。He inherited substantial property subtracted legacy tax.

他们正在准备一顿丰盛的饭餐为他接风。They are preparing a substantial meal against his return.

我们必须为冬季储备丰足的食物供应。We have to store a substantial supply of food for winter.

首航我们就能赚可观的钱。We will be making substantial profit on the first flight.

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她精心策画后,谈妥了大幅增加工资的事。By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise.

在网络里定位查找某个条目是个重要问题。The problem of locating items in a network is substantial.

如果是这样,这可以实在的改变这个问题吗?If so, does that alter the question in any substantial way?