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这是个美丽的避暑胜地。It's a beauteous summer resort.

就饺子吃更是美不胜收。It is beauteous to eat dumplings.

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我美丽的玫瑰树,玫瑰树!Rose-tree, , my beauteous rose-tree !

你会问用beauteous怎么了?!What is wrong, you ask, with beauteous?

给你美丽的肢体披上盔甲。And gird thy beauteous limbs with steel.

同样,美丽可爱的青年啊,当你姿色不存And so of you, beauteous and lovely youth

暂别美丽的烦恼。Leave my beauteous trouble for the moment.

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那么,美丽的鄙夫,为什么滥用。Then beauteous niggard why dost thou abuse.

当年,这美丽的种族,你们惊奇地发现Early the beauteous race you'll wondering see

三春的美景变成秋天的枯焦。Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned.

三个阳春三度化作秋天的枯黄。Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turned.

连动物的尸体都是那么美丽高雅地细刻精雕。The carcass of an animal is a beauteous and elegant thing.

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天哪,原来女将军这么美的?Good heavens, originally female is the general so beauteous?

帝离儿睁着美眸,一脸不可思议的道。The throne leaves son Zheng beauteous Mou, way with unimaginable see.

有一个小十字架形状最美丽,上面镶嵌著宝石和黄金。There was a little one most beauteous to behold, set in jewels and gold.

巫师安静的后花园,美丽的白色玫瑰就那样安静的绽开。Beauteous white roses are blooming peacefully in the wizard's secret garden.

七焰全是轻颤,一双美眸几乎可以射出冰来。All of seven Yans are a light Zhan, a pair of beauteous Mous almost can project ice.

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到最高的出价人,这位美丽的淑女生命和这个叛逆的监护人!To the highest bidder, the lives of this beauteous lady and this treacherous Keeper!

愿你脸上的皱纹绽放成一朵硕大的菊花,一如我熟悉的脸庞那样悦目。May you come, beauteous as I was once familiar, with your wrinkles blooming like a chrysanthemum.

因此,将以他的努力为衡量,开始展现我们之间美妙的关系。Thus, will begin the unfolding of a beauteous relationship between us in the measure of his effort.