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听得出来她非常高兴。I hear she was pretty chuffed.

我对一点儿非常高兴的并且非常减少。I was chuffed to bits and very relieved.

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她当时兴奋得不得了,因为她是他们的超级歌迷“。She was chuffed because she's a big fan.

我不知道是感到开心呢还是受辱。I don't know whether to be chuffed or insulted.

所以呢,开心农场很适合我们!And then the "chuffed farm inline" is suitable for us.

我一直都会非常高兴如果某些我仰慕的人也同样喜欢我的话。And I'm always dead chuffed if someone I admire likes me too.

两岸的火车熙来攘往,冒着烟光。Now and again on both shores trains chuffed by amid shining smoke.

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这个好消息使他振奋起来,他又回去做实验了。The good news chuffed him up and he went back to do the experiment again.

我还是想要一份生日礼物,那就是家人平安健康,幸福快乐。And I want another birthday gift is "all my family will be happy and healthy , all my friends will be chuffed".

中国有足够的理由拒绝这样一个共同机制,但是它很高兴美国能这样说。China has plenty of reasons not to want such a condominium, but is chuffed that Americans are talking about it.

对上帝发誓,我身上的每一个细胞都感到欣喜。我仍然不能相信这一切确实发生了,所以老实说我现在的感觉就是欣喜若狂。Honest to God, I'm chuffed to bits. I mean, I can't really believe it's happened again so I'm ecstatic to be honest.

印度官方说,最近的一系列成功很让人鼓舞,印度会在2012年前看到这种可喜的改变。Indian officials, chuffed at their recent successes, now exhibit a rare can-do spirit. India sees change happening by 2012.

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我仍记得当时还是年轻球员的你面对维拉打入首球时我是多么高兴。从那时起,你就开始把自己的一切都奉献给球队,从未改变。I remember how chuffed I was for you when you scored as a young lad against Villa and you have always given 100 per cent ever since.

伦敦获得下届奥运会的举办权,这本身就让我高兴,让我们支持他们支持奥运,拜托,让我们积极一些吧!!!!!!!I'm chuffed that the UK has the next Olympics, let us get behind them and support the event and please, let us be positive! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

虽然目前讨论进货为时过早,但是我们相信我们的英国朋友将因这款手机的到来而兴奋异常。It's still too soon to discuss potential carriers, but we're sure our British buddies will be chuffed just to know the handset's coming their way.

以健康为中心,工作勤劳点,生活开心点,有点钱,有点闲,有点用,有人想。Health-oriented, work assiduously, lead an amused chuffed life, be in the dough, have a bit leisure time, be of a little use, be missed by someone.

即便如此,卡扎菲这位自封“王中之王”的非洲千国领袖一定对自己早上的表现十分满意。That aside, the self-proclaimed king of kings, figurehead of a thousand African kingdoms, must have been chuffed by how his morning had turned out.

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因此,中国有理由感到高兴。但是,如今的太空竞赛和二十世纪的被地缘政治所困扰的竞争几乎没有相似之处。China therefore has plenty of reasons to feel chuffed. But today's space race bears little resemblance to the one in the geopolitics-obsessed 20th century.

等到你获悉这个坏消息时,你可能已经连续几周激动地展望如何在新职位上大展拳脚,得意洋洋地准备迎接更高的关注度和更多的责任。By the time you get the bad news, you've already spent several weeks feeling excited about what you'd do in the new role and chuffed about additional visibility and responsibility.

真的是太高兴了!自己的名字能和他这样优秀的球手在一起真是件非常令人高兴与期许的事情,只可惜他打出的第一名的分数我没能打破或打平。Very, very chuffed , to get my name up there with someone like his in the record stakes is very pleasing and hopefully it won't be the first record of his that I either break or equal.