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这条路又走不通了。This road walk again impassability.

想不通就想不通吧,想通了,又能怎么样?Think impassability just don't understand it, think, and how?

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多好的事情啊,最高领导怎么就是想不通呢?Much good affair, the tallest leadership how be think impassability ?

郝建国怎样也想不通牛一蓓去找张北雁干什么?HaoJianGuo how also think impassability cow a bud to find ZhangBeiYan stem what?

他们想不通一个堂堂普林斯顿的毕业生,为什么要去好莱坞跑龙套?They think impassability a high-profile Princeton graduate, why go to Hollywood?

有时候,最危险的地方也就是最安全的地方这句话行不通。Sometimes, most the deathtrap is also this sentence in the most safe place to go impassability.

黄口小儿不通兵法,还不速速退下!Huang Kou pediatric impassability masterpiece of campaign, also not and presently and soon back bottom!

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她直到现在也想不通,只不过是睡了一觉醒来,怎么就已经到了另外一个世界了。She until also think impassability now, only slept to awake from sleep, how have already got to another world.

我也想不通,他们那么西南4环的地方,怎么跑到中关村去招人。I also think impassability , they so southwest the place of 4 wreaths, how run to recruit a person in the pass village.

如果以上全不通过,请拉在自己的裤兜里,找个热乎地方烘干,四天后洗裤子!If the above whole impassability lead, please pull in oneself of the trousers Dou, seek hot the place dry and four divas wash pants!

刘文凯想不通妹妹竟然看上了振达,刘璇却让他不要将自己的事告诉父母,若是他们还是逼婚自己唯有死在这里。Liu Wenkai think impassability sister was attracted by vibration, liu xuan but let him not to tell his parents, if they still forced marriage only die here.

最近发生的事情令我受了很大的打击,甚至有很多事到现在我还是想不通。The affair which takes place recently makes me be subjected to very a great blow, even have a lot of matters till now me to still keep thinking impassability.

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可这一次,我竟在所有人的面前失了面子,而那些唱功不如我的人却进了决赛,我真的想不通,也很不甘心。Can this time, I lose a face in the in front of owner unexpectedly, and those persons who sing an achievement rather me enter finals, I really think impassability , also very unwilling.