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他偶尔不修边幅。He is a slob occasionally.

像我们之中的流浪汉。Just a slob like one of us.

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糊涂虫。散乱的,老是迟到。A slob . Messy. Always late.

你能帮我吗,你这个肥胖的懒汉?Can you help me, you fat slob?

如果你在管理一家银行,你总不能穿得不修边幅吧。If you run a bank, you can’t look like a slob.

而马虎如他,把一个脏培养皿丢在实验室的水池里。Slob that he was, he left a dirty petri dish in the lab sink.

有人骂他笨蛋,说他会一事无成。While some say that he is a slob who will accomplish nothing.

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看起来就像个棒球赛里灌着啤酒邋邋遢遢的笨蛋。He looked like he was some slob having a beer at a baseball game.

如果你看起来不修边幅,那么你给人的印象就是这样的。If you look like a slob, you'll give the impression you're a slob.

跟懒散男完全相反的是工作狂男。The complete opposite to the lazy slob is the type A overachiever.

他和女士们在一起时是个翩翩君子,但跟男人在一块时就开始不修边幅起来了。He is a perfect gentleman with the ladies but a slob with the guys.

懒散邋遢男是从不会真心想要找到一份工作。The lazy slob has no motivation or intention of ever getting a real job.

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和肯恩一起生活上活受罪。他是公司里最邋遢的人。Living with Kean's going to pure hell. He's the biggest slob in the company.

看起来就像个棒球赛里灌着啤酒邋邋遢遢的笨蛋。He looked like he was some slob having a beer at a baseball game. Embarrassing.

我和你一样,只是个坐在巴士上尝试着了解世情的懒虫吧。I’m just a slob on the bus trying to make some sense of the world, just like you.

但是在他所有表面的炫耀与昂贵的服装下,他只是一个又大又胖的粗俗汉。But under all of his fancy pretense and expensive garb, he was just a big fat slob.

这会不仅会引起你的伴侣的憎恨和嫉妒,也会让你看起来像一个懒汉。This can cause animosity and jealousy from your mate. It also makes you look like a slob.

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如果上帝就在我们之中,是我们之中的一条懒汉,有什么理由不开心呢?在这样的夜晚里。What if God was one of us Just a slob like one of us, Why shouldn't I be? On a night like this.

但是那些服用维生素丸的人更有可能大吃快餐,而且懒洋洋地坐在沙发上。But those who take vitamin pills may be more likely to gorge on fast food and slob out on the sofa.

都说女人不像男人这么关注对方形象,但你真变得蓬头垢面,你将很快被抛之脑后。It is said that women are not as picky about looks as men are, but turninginto a slob will get old realquick.