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他挥鞭作响。He snapped his whip.

我从没有抽过她。I never did whip her.

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爱的教育胜过打骂教育。Love is better than a whip.

什么,是的,有鲜奶油的Pardon me? With whip cream.

骇人皮鞭打奴隶?Slaves Were Flogged by Whip?

让他尝尝鞭子的味道。Give him a taste of the whip.

鞭子嗖地一声在空中挥动。The whip swished through the air.

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他用鞭子猛抽仆人。He lashed at the servant with a whip.

我准备的这条马鞭够水准吧?Is this whip I prepared up to standard?

把翍鸡蛋、油和蜂蜜搅打在一起。Whip the eggs, oils and honey together.

而丹妮莉丝用的是一个词和一条鞭子。Daenerys made do with a word and a whip.

把蛋白打得起稠尖儿。Whip the egg whites up into stiff peaks.

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他扬鞭策马前进。He urged his horse forward with his whip.

狗见了鞭子畏缩不前。The dog cringed at the sight of the whip.

媒体能从为数不多的“危机”中拎出一个进行渲染。The press can whip one up out of not much.

鞭子啪地一声抽在马屁股上。The whip cracked down on the horse's rump.

奴隶们被奴隶主的皮鞭打得在地上打滚。The slaves writhed under the master's whip.

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搅拌鸡蛋清直至其成为胶状的锥形。Whip egg whites until they form soft peaks.

“当你走近一个女人时,记得带上你的鞭子”。Thou goest to woman? Do not forget thy whip.

乌斯曼却说对穷鬼用鞭子就足够了。Usman said the pauper with a whip is enough.