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传说在花江峡谷开始了又一次轮回。This fame have a metempsychosis again.

一个朋友就说了个转世的故事。My friend told us a story of metempsychosis.

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千般人等,总奈何不过这一轮回的属性。All people can't get ride of the property of metempsychosis.

你是轮回的清泉,在金色的玄线上。You are fountain of the metempsychosis on the golden string.

“转生,”他说,是古希腊人的说法。Metempsychosis , he said, is what the ancient Greeks called it.

天使带著一群排队要去投胎的灵魂。Angel has crowd of lines to have to go to the metempsychosis the soul.

轮回说的观点适合于印度的气候。The opinion of the metempsychosis is adapted to the climate of the Indies.

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这种无法自由选择的情况,似乎就是轮回的本质。It is the situation that we can't select freely, which seems to be the essence of metempsychosis.

众人正在商量如何处置金蟾,九妹却因“转生术”而感到无比难过。They are discussing how to deal with the spittor, nine sister because metempsychosis and felt so sad.

“这就是灵魂的转生,”索尼娅说道,她一向学习成绩优良,什么都记得很牢。"That's metempsychosis , " said Sonya, who had been good at lessons, and remembered all she had learned.

冥冥之中似乎有轮回的存在,现在,设计的加法开始复苏。Dim in the existence that seems to have metempsychosis , now, the addition of the design begins to anabiosis.

但它关于灵魂不朽和灵魂轮回说对后世哲学、教育有着消极影响。But the theory of soul immortality and soul metempsychosis have negative effect on later philosophy and education.

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其次,他们相信一点,即“百年老店”是在成功与失败的轮回中诞生的。Next, they believe a bit, namely " hundred years old store " be born in the metempsychosis of success and failure.

九妹见母亲与婆婆争吵不休,不禁十分为难,而现在唯一的办法,就是她转生为人。Nine younger sister to see her mother and her mother-in-law bickering, hard, and now the only way, is she metempsychosis.

为了克服对死亡的恐惧,为了寻回失去的亲情和爱情,青年时期的川端康成认同了佛教“轮回转生”的世界现。To overcome his fear for death and to seek the lost intimacy in families, Kawabata Yasunari accepted Buddhist metempsychosis.

在“六道轮回”的佛教理念中,前世仇怨可在今世雪报,而报仇的复仇主体可能转世为某种动物。In the Buddhism idea of six metempsychosis , preexistence hatred was achieved in the secular, while the revenger may change to some animals.

这个展览题名为“转”,其含义非轮回、非涅磐、非因果,我紧紧捏在手中的一个词是——“巧合”。The title of this exhibition is "Coincidence", after removed metempsychosis , nirvana and comeuppance, I grasped this word tightly in my hand.

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我们发现,在希腊哲学家中,毕达哥拉斯和柏拉图以及他们的追随者相信灵魂轮回或转生。Among the Greek philosophers we find that Pythagoras, Plato and their followers believed in this theory of Metempsychosis or Transmigration of souls.

那种摩擦,在历经时间的淘洗和轮回之后,更是人生的一种难得经历和体验。The sort of attrition, after the pan of time of all previous classics and metempsychosis , it is a kind of of life rare experience and experience more.

因此,轮回或转世的原意是指灵魂从躯体到躯体的循环,不管是动物、人类、天使还是神。So the original meaning of transmigration or metempsychosis was the revolution of the soul from body to body whether animal, human, angelic or of the gods.