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我的信箱是空的。My mailbox was empty.

如何申请一个免费的电子邮箱?How to apply for a free mailbox ?

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大错特错她看起来像一个邮筒。Colossal . She looks like a mailbox.

你究竟是怎么撞上那邮筒的?Why did you hit that mailbox anyway?

最常见的是一个大字信箱里。The most common is a curbside mailbox.

现在以您的电子邮件或邮政信箱为例。Now consider your email or postal mailbox.

另外,她还用黄丝带装饰起了邮箱。Meanwhile yellow ribbon adorns her mailbox.

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没有塞满您邮箱的电子邮件时事通讯。No e-mail newsletters clutter your mailbox.

可能您最近比较忙。没有时间看邮箱。Maybe you are too busy to check your mailbox.

我听说您有自己的邮箱。Q 3. I’ve heard that you’ve got your own mailbox.

星期二一早,一辆卡车停在邮筒旁。On Tuesday morning a truck stopped at the mailbox.

大约一个星期之后我的信箱里来了封信。About a week later a letter appeared in my mailbox.

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我把信投到了街角的邮筒里。I dropped the letter in the mailbox on this corner.

星期一晚上,胡安把信放进了邮筒。Juan put the letter in the mailbox on Monday night.

将信投到那个标有“外埠”的邮箱里。Drop the letter into the mailbox marked "Out of Town".

是对用户空间邮箱的抽象。are abstractions for the userspace side of the mailbox.

此参数指定所有邮箱路径的前缀。Specifies a path that is prepended to all mailbox paths.

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还有把收件人的油箱塞满了的危险。There is also a risk to fill up the addressee's mailbox.

你能不能发邮件去税务局查一下你交的税都用在哪里了?Can you get your tax check to the IRS out of the mailbox?

苏菲打开园门时查看了一下信箱。As Sophie opened her garden gate, she looked in the mailbox.