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他既是时代的产儿,也是时代的先锋。He is at once the product and preceptor of his time.

那个散布谣言的人,师父知道是谁?The person who spreads a rumor, does the preceptor understand to is who?

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作者描述了对工作人员的调查护士和护理管理者的看法导师奖励。The authors describe a survey of staff nurse and nurse manager perceptions of preceptor rewards.

在试验过程中,那些患有沮丧症的人,或者服用抗沮丧药物或服用安慰药。In the clinical trials, people with depression were treated with either and antidepressant all preceptor.

一个大男人竟然用这个做武器——难道他就是传说中,东方不败的师傅西方失败咩?A big male unexpectedly does weapon with this- he is legendary, the eastern doesn't ache of the west of the preceptor failure Mie?

目的通过对护生临床综合能力自评与他评的对比研究,探讨自评在护生临床综合能力评价中的作用。Objective To study the role of the self evaluation and preceptor evaluation in assessing the clinical synthetical ability of the nursing students.

燕九州突然哧笑道,“没想到王大镖师也开始为皇帝效忠了!Suddenly Yan nine states Chi says with smile, "unexpectedly Wang Da Dun Biao's preceptor also the beginning Be getting extra obedient to for throne!"

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他提醒世人不要忘记曾经在黑暗中摸索的先辈,让世人看到当前的现状,为他们指引新生之路。He reminds the world of its dark ancestry, shows the world its present, and points the way to its new birth. He is at once the product and preceptor of his time.

黄裳回到大帐,命手下官兵将光明顶上所有尸首都入土安葬,然后班师回朝。Huang Chang returns to a big debt, life under charge government troops will sunny take over all dead bodies to bury to bury, then class the preceptor return to dynasty.

当年大学里,他们那个因为买不起房子无法结婚的大学老师还抱怨过。In those early years university inside, they that was because of canning not furnishing the preceptor of the university whom the house can not obtain married to still once complain.

恰巧有一个航行西印度的船长要请一位教师去教在巴比度岛上绅士的儿子,遇见了他,愿意带他到那边去。At length a West India captain, who had a commission to procure a preceptor for the sons of a gentleman at Barbadoes, met with him, and proposed to carry him thither to fill that situation.