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缓缓的水儿呀,又怎能承载得了我满腔的幽怨。Water slowly infants, how can I load the wholehearted ?

他是全心全意为人民服务的表率。He set an example of wholehearted service to the people.

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全心全意为人民服务是最好的金字招牌。He set an example of wholehearted service to the people.

我们秉以诚心,等待您的竭诚合作!We Bing to sincerely awaiting your wholehearted cooperation!

我相信百姓的反应激励了摩西和亚伦。I'm sure their wholehearted response encouraged Moses and Aaron.

全身心的服务使您感受到入微的体贴与关怀。Wholehearted service makes you felt delicate considerateness and care.

欣赏是一种幸福,是一种少数人才能享受的幸福。The appreciation is one kind of study, is one kind of wholehearted study.

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劳斯莱斯另一个成功的原因在于其全心全意地拥抱全球化。A further reason for its success is its wholehearted embrace of globalisation.

以全心的姿态和面貌,信心百倍的朝着更高的目标迈进。A wholehearted attitude and outlook, brimming with confidence towards a higher goal.

五星级管理团队,“五心”服务,尊贵享受。Five-star management team and wholehearted service provide you with noble enjoyment.

在这里我要向一些同学朋友表示感谢!Here I would like to express my wholehearted gratitude to my friends and classmates.

部队需要知道他们获得了全力支持,但是这还不够。The troops need to know that they have wholehearted backing, but that is not enough.

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如果没有全身心的奉献,他的橄榄球生涯很可能早已终结。Without that wholehearted dedication, he might not have even continued his football career.

这个人的声音里有一种真心诚意,不同寻常,好象是同情的成份。There was something so wholehearted and unusual and seemingly sympathetic in this man's voice.

我们都需要去学习信诚模式——全心全意依靠于分享亚洲经济增长所带来的好处。We all need to emulate the Prudential way — a wholehearted leap into sharing that Asian GDP growth.

在工作中,纪平先生是个一丝不苟的人,对于下属的工作尽心指导,而且要求特别严格。Mr. KIHIRA is meticulous with his work and strict with his underlings in addition to wholehearted tutoring.

我希望,我们全体运动员,能以满腔的热情,高昂的斗志,良好的心态,投入比赛。I hope, we all athletes, to wholehearted enthusiasm, high morale, good mentality, the investment competition.

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潇洒自己,快乐他人。全身心的服务使您感受到入微的体贴与关怀。Make oneself handsome and others happy. Wholehearted service makes you felt delicate considerateness and care.

那样全身心的爱只应出现在小说里,这个社会越来越不欢迎不顾一切的爱。As wholehearted love should only appear in novels, this community is increasingly not welcome regardless of all the love.

用真心的微笑迎接2008奥运会,让外国人了解中国人的热情真诚友好。Meet the 2008's Olympic Games with the wholehearted smile, make foreigners understand Chinese enthusiasm, sincere, friendly.