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在这个肮脏破败的地方居住着不为人注意的城市下层阶级。An inconspicuous urban underclass lives in squalor.

韩国人和下层百姓都有受到歧视。Ethnic Koreans and an underclass known as burakumin are stigmatized.

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一代接一代,这些人只能终身在下层社会里苦苦挣扎。Generation by generation, these people strive perpetually in the underclass.

对我来说,教育是个“兔子洞”,我穿过窄洞,逃离底层。For me, education was the rabbit hole through which I escaped the underclass.

有人将这一结果归罪于英国社会的不平等和由此造成的大量下层阶级人口。Some blame Britain’s unequal society and the large underclass that it creates.

有一个叫无三的孩子出身贱民,只好隐姓埋名进了寺院。An underclass boy named Wusan entered a monastery without revealing his status.

高年级的学生和他的下层阶级的母亲一起在烹饪课上学习。The upperclassman and his underclass mothers learned together in cooking class.

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这些居民要想避免沦为在新经济形势下的下层阶级,希望颇为渺茫。These residents have little hope of expanding past the underclass of the new economy.

仅仅经过一代人,他们便从自豪的工人阶级蜕化成道德败坏的社会底层分子。In a generation, they have descended from proud working class to demoralized underclass.

也许,任何社会最不吉祥的征兆是它有一批在经济上永远翻不了身的人在你眼前晃来晃去。Perhaps the most ominous sign for any society is the seething presence of a permanent underclass.

贫穷和偏见对欧洲罗姆人的影响尤为深刻,但是下层阶级还有其他成员。Poverty and prejudice afflict Europe's Romanies particularly, but the underclass has other members too.

欧洲的大多数地区,都有这样一个现象,就是对处于社会底层的永久性失业人员司空见惯。That is a fact of life that much of Europe, with its underclass of permanently idle workers, knows all too well.

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如今在欧洲一个新阶级正在快速成长,它被称为下层阶级或亚阶级。Today in Europe there is a new class which is growing apace that has come to be known as the underclass or sub-class.

卡里还认为,10万年后,人类将分为“优美型”和“粗陋型”两个亚种。He added that humanity may likely split into a decent upper class and a dim-witted underclass subspecies in 100,000 years.

我看着永久的下层阶级的形成,并被要求赞成我们今天造成的两极分化的全球经济。I was looking at the makings of the permanent underclass required to support the polarized global economy we are shaping today.

但是他的一生,引发了民众对基层刑事犯管理的热议——并且必将持续很长一段时间。But his life raised many questions about the management of the country's criminal underclass — issues that will reverberate for a long time.

由于贫穷者是现代社会中的弱势者,也常被视为是处于社会阶层底部的人,更是被社会达尔文主义视为是不适于生存者的一群人。The poor is the disadvantage and the underclass in a modern society. They are viewed as unfit to survive in the viewpoint of Social Darwinians.

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帮助真正的穷人,要比仅仅缩小贫富差距更有价值。帮助下层社会的人重新回到社会主流中来,符合所有人的利益。Helping the truly poor is much worthier than merely narrowing inequalities. And helping the underclass rejoin society is in the interests of all.

在这个很少有特权的群体里,一个大的、占主导地位的男性下层阶层也许正在形成,伴随它的是普遍的文化问题。In less privileged parts of the country, a larger, predominantly male underclass may now be forming, and with it, more-widespread cultural problems.

一些协会的官员发誓要破除这一规定,因为它将创造一个更倾向于剥削和低工资的底层工人阶级。Officials of several unions vow to strip this provision because it would create an underclass of workers more prone to exploitation and lower wages.