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乡村的问题似乎是难以解决的。The problems of rurality appear to be intractable.

我居住的那个小村庄的田园风光非常漂亮。The rurality of the small village I am living is very beautiful.

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此景区突出田园风光,农业生态旅游,体现回归自然,返朴归真主题。The scenic spot emphasizes the rurality and agriculture zoology with a theme of naturalness.

你还可以去“世外桃源”,那是一个充满着民族风情和宁静的田园风味的原始少数民族村落。You can also go to Xanadu, a primitive minority village full of folk culture and tranquil rurality.

乡村旅游以乡村性为最大的卖点而蓬勃发展。As the biggest selling point, the feature of rurality make rural tourism be developing prosperously.

第二是在田园山水中寄托情思乃至消融自己的自然文学。The second one is natural literature, by which the author projects his own feelings and even himself into the rurality.

解决好“三农”问题是全党工作的重中之重。Resolving the problem of "agriculture, rurality and farmer" is one of the most important work to the Chinese Communist Party.

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罗老师还和爱妻在花墙上粘鹅卵石装点,浓郁的田园风味扑面而来。Collect the teacher is returned and love wife sticks cobble deck on tracery wall, full-bodied rurality blow on the face and come.

乡村以其旖旎的田园风光、浓郁的乡土文化气息、新鲜的蔬菜瓜果和原滋原味的乡村生活而受到都市居民的亲睐。The townspeople are attracted by charming and gentle rurality scene , rural culture breath, fresh vegetable and fruit, local rustic life.

起初在绍兴及德清等地建设的粮食型园区虽然农田建设的内容比较单一,但整齐划一的田园风光仍吸引了不少参观者。The crop gardens in Shaoxing and Deqing City attracted many visitors for their uniform rurality although there were only a few types of crops.

强调乡村工业旅游区别于一般工业旅游的特点,并提出乡村工业旅游亦属于乡村旅游范畴,将其纳入乡村旅游系统进行整体开发与经营。Besides, the rurality in such kind of tourism was emphasized and the rural industry tourism was supposed to be integrated into the general system of rural tourism.

美不胜收的田园风光,期待着各种先进因子和要素的融汇,共同抒写人类面向未来挑战的壮丽华章。The incredible view of rurality is waiting the convergence of various advanced factors and elements to jointly write down the splendid chapter of human beings of challenging the future.

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两者之间的异质在近代由于教育体制的变革而导致的乡村与城市间知识状况的巨大裂变而得以清晰地突显出来。The heterogeneity of the rurality and urbanity is clear-cutly presented in the great fission of knowledge status between the rural and the urban due to the reformation of educational system.