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捉海狸的时候伤到了背部Hurt his back chasing a beaver

在追海狸的时候弄伤了背。Employee hurt his back chasing a beaver.

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你戴这顶皮帽子真漂亮。A hat made of beaver fur or an imitation.

他睡觉睡得甜,干活干得欢。He sleeps like a log and works like a beaver.

其他人称它为霜月或者比弗月。Others will call it the Frosty or Beaver Moon.

河狸用它那尖锐的牙齿咬树皮。The beaver uses its large sharp teeth gnaw it.

麝鼠皮在质量上几乎和海獭皮不相上下。Muskrat fur almost equals beaver fur in quality.

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如果一只海狸需要补牙,那么它应该去找谁呢?If a beaver needed dental work, where would it go?

印第安人愿用海狸毛皮交换武器。The Indians would barter beaver pelts for weapons.

河狸离开它大而坚硬的前牙就不能生存。A beaver could not live without his big strong front teeth.

海獭用泥土、枝和树叶在河里筑水坝。The beaver dammed the stream with mud, branches and leaves.

长期以来,人们捕猎美洲河狸,以获取它的绒毛皮。The American beaver has long been hunted for its velvety fur.

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玛姬是很勤力的人。她像海貍一般用功。Maggie is a very diligent person. She works hard like a beaver.

美洲旱獭看起来像长着浓密的灰褐色毛的河狸。A ground hog looks like a beaver with thick, brownish-gray hair.

比弗图形矩阵发光T恤的根x道格拉斯库普兰。Glowing Matrix Beaver graphic T-shirt by Roots x Douglas Coupland.

一个富有进取心的海狸接管龟背心爱的池塘,拒绝分享。A pushy beaver takes over Turtle's beloved pond and refuses to share.

海狸居住在陆地而水獭居住在海洋沿岸水域。Beaver upon the Land and Otter along the coastal waters of the ocean.

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河狸专门从事的那种建筑工作确实令人震惊。The kind of construction work a beaver specializes in is truly amazing.

此外还有动物建造的结构,比如蚁冢和海狸水坝。There are also animal-built structures, such as anthills and beaver dams.

此时此刻,我最需要的,其实是一只山狸,能吞了这顶学位帽。What I really needed at the moment was the beaver himself, to eat the hood.