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但是他遗憾地说,去上学的学生不会很多。But, he says regrettably it will not be very many.

我的初吻是在一次学校的舞会上,很遗憾地被引导员夺走了。My first kiss was at a school dance, regrettably to Usher's “Burn.

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还有些其他公司尚在联络中,但是很遗憾我们还不能透露他们。There are other companies in the pipeline, but regrettably we can't talk about those yet.

很遗憾,看来是贵公司职员填错了订货单。Regrettably , a member of your staff appears to have made a mistake failing out the order form.

最糟糕的情况是,当你看见你的亲戚们和过去一样‘发神经’时,你会令人遗憾地感到自己成为了”局外人“。At worst, you'll feel regrettably detached from your kinfolk as you watch them play out their usual psychoses.

佩德罗赛后遗憾地说,“我们必须要继续努力训练,以提高球队的水准。”After Pedder Rosay, said regrettably that we must continue to try hard to train, enhances the team the standard.

很遗憾他们在造孽,将犹太人从以色列他们的土地上驱逐走。You are participating regrettably in an immoral act – the exiling of Jews from their land in the land of Israel.

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令人遗憾的是,将有可能高达165失业和冗余协商已开始与员工。Regrettably , there will be up to 165 probable job losses and redundancy consultations have commenced with employees.

令人遗憾的是由于种种原因的自我授权,你们的历史已经被篡改,这是一个我们将要使其恢复正常的地方。Regrettably for various reasons of self-empowerment your history has been falsified and that is an area that we shall put right.

使用反叙法这种修辞方法来说,很可惜,土耳其的入盟谈判一年内都没有任何新的进展。Resorting to litotes, it said "the accession negotiations with Turkey have regrettably not moved into any new areas for a year."

我在泰山上觅寻我的祖先遇雨而避的山崖和古松,遗憾地没有找到这个景点。I tried to find the famous cliff and the ancient pine on Mount Tai , where my ancestor had sought shelter from rain, regrettably to no avail.

此外,它还可以使那些由于不能亲自到葬礼现场向逝者致哀的而深感遗憾的人也能到这个网站上向逝者表示敬意。Nonetheless, it allows those who regrettably couldn't be physically present at the funeral to be able to also pay tribute to the departed at the site.

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遗憾的是,无论在他的出生地还是殉难地,廷代尔的拥趸依然少之又少,他的足迹也难以追寻。Whether in the land of his birth or the town of his death, Tyndale buffs are still regrettably thin on the ground, and it is hard to follow his trail.

华南理工大学研究生、国家级运动员刘虹对自己没能参加2007年和2009年的大运会感到很遗憾。A national athlete and postgraduate at South China University of Technology , Liu regrettably missed out on participation in the Universidades in 2007 and 2009.

令人遗憾的是,新自由主义和亲资本主义制度的经济思想有时被视为某种流行的智力游戏。Neo-liberalism and pro-capitalist economic ideas were regrettably sometimes treated as though they were some sort of silly or even fashionable intellectual game.

遗憾的是,一些教义利用一个愤怒的神施予惩罚的观点将人们长期困囿在恐惧和顺从的状态中。Regrettably some teachings play upon the idea of an angry God that metes out punishment, and it is used as a way to keep people in a continual state of fear and obedience.

我想起了我的老卡车,“老红”,可惜出发前把它卖了,那车或多或少是我这世界上的一切,被我塞得实在又漂亮。The truck is just my old beater, "Old Red", I had so regrettably to let go before the trip, and the boxes are more or less everything I own in the world, packed up nice and tight.

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遗憾地是,中国人可能取得了他们所想要的,但是白鱀豚已经灭绝了,过去象征的那种繁荣也就不可避免地被葬送。Regrettably , the Chinese may have got what they called for. Now that the dolphin is extinct, it's difficult to avoid drowning the kind of prosperity it once symbolized along with it.