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素食论的虚伪,从此可以略见一斑。The hypocrisy of vegetarianism.

吃鱼与素食主义有矛盾吗?Can eating fish be reconciled with vegetarianism ?

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那这些素食主义的健康的益处是什么呢?And what are these healthful benefits of vegetarianism.

素食主义是免于所有这些不必要悲剧的一个良方。Vegetarianism is an antidote to all of these unnecessary tragedies.

不过这吃素与爱地球的关联性从何说起?But how does one equate vegetarianism with the notion of earth-friendliness?

因此,从环保的角度来看,素食主义往往是个好主意。Hence vegetarianism tends to be a good idea from an environmental point of view.

他们会把一些世界上普通的行为—比如说素食主义—看作是异常的。They view behaviors that are globally commonplace — say, vegetarianism — as deviant.

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此外许多早期裸癖者奉行素食主义并忙于日常运动。In addition many early nudists practiced vegetarianism and engaged in daily exercise.

我们不要忘记,从基督时代开始就有许多的基督教团一直坚持实践着素食主义。Remember, many Christian groups from the time of Christ have practiced vegetarianism.

他首次参与可以称为公共生活的事情是通过素食主义。His first entry into anything describable as public life was made by way of vegetarianism.

我们不会宣称素食主义是治疗癌症的良方,不过我们认为是走向正确途径的一步。We wouldn't claim vegetarianism is a panacea for cancer but it is a step in the right direction.

应该强调的是,在巴哈伊教会中素食主义不会被当作大问题。It should be stressed that vegetarianism is not considered a major issue in the Bahá'í community.

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瑜珈学派主张吃素。这位阿南达玛迦瑜珈老师最喜欢吃素食中的芒果。Many yoga sects advocate vegetarianism. This yoga master's favorite vegetarian food is the mango.

因此,除非你患有痛风之类忌口的疾病,否则素食在健康上没有任何意义。Therefore, vegetarianism is of no sense unless you suffer from gout, disease that forces you to diet.

素食对我们每个人及我们大家都是真正生死攸关的事。Vegetarianism is literally about life and death — for each of us individually and for all of us together.

一些宗教如印度教遵守素食主义,把素食作为不杀生的戒条。Some religions such as Hinduism observe vegetarianism as part of an effort of nonviolence towards animals.

普通素食主义者和纯素食主义者,要么,如果那听起来太难做到,就先从减少食用肉类开始。Vegetarianism or Veganism. Or, if that sounds too difficult, start by just reducing your meat consumption.

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饭后我让他们填了关于这顿素餐和对素食主义的大致认识的调查问卷。After the meal I had them answer a questionnaire about the meal and about their general knowledge of vegetarianism.

宗教素食主义在东方司空见惯,但并非西方多数宗教团体的主流。Religious vegetarianism is commonplace in the East, but is not considered mainstream in most Western faith communities.

在他们预定的下一批传单中,也将更加突出素食对全球暖化方面的影响。And, it will give more prominence to the global warming aspect of vegetarianism in the next batch of leaflets it orders.