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艾布瑞妮回以一个不相信的冷笑。Ambreene favored him with a disbelieving sneer.

他用一种怀疑的眼神看着她,“从不?”He fixed her with a disbelieving gaze. “Never?”

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任随大家说什么,他总是不相信。He is always disbelieving , no matter what people say.

我想这一定是要发生的了,但我还是不相信。I suppose this must really be happening, I think, still disbelieving.

眼见为实,后引起怀疑,或许最后又再次相信。Seeing is believing. And then disbelieving. And maybe believing once more.

被问及在德国他会害怕谁的时候他怀疑的盯着记者。Asked if he will be in awe of anyone in Germany, he gives a disbelieving stare.

呼吸专家实施心肺复苏,我靠在墙上,满身血污,难以置信。Respiratory took over the CPR and I stood back against the wall, bloody and disbelieving.

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呼吸科医师接过心脏起搏器,我背靠墙站着,到处都血淋淋的,令人不敢相信。Respiratory took over the CPR and I stood back against the wall, bloody and disbelieving.

新浪微博的用户也同样不相信这个裁定结果。Users of popular Twitter-like microblogging service Sina Weibo were likewise disbelieving.

它们来到一家本地酒吧,朋友要它设法当众进入女厕所,以证明自己。His disbelieving friend challenges him to materialize in the women's bathroom of a local bar.

当他说他宁可带回亚瑟时,非常吃惊得看到他们怀疑的表情。When he says he would rather bring back Arthur, he is rather surprised at their disbelieving looks.

2分钟后,拜仁又丢一球,这一次是巴西替补图里。Two minutes later, a disbelieving Bayern fell victim to another goal, this time from Brazilian sub Juary.

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“伴儿?”派克先生惊奇地重复道。然后,不相信地摇摇头,便陷入沉默。"Companion?" Mr. Pike repeated in amazement. Then, with a disbelieving shake of his head, he fell silent.

与你的手指短冷期整个甲板立即地变成红色在他们的已经怀疑的眼睛之前。With a snap of your fingers the entire deck instantly changes to red before their already disbelieving eyes.

许多人认为,这也是他的小说,不相信,只有19岁的女子可以写这样的恐怖故事。Many thought that it is also his novel, disbelieving that only 19-year-old woman could write such horror story.

詹姆斯用一种怀疑的语气说道,“你知道菲尔的,他总是在一些重大的比赛之前或者对抗性很强的比赛之前发表些言论。" he said in a disbelieving tone. "You guys know Phil. He always makes a comment before a big game or rivalry game.

当斯齐亚沃尼反手将球抽出底线时,李娜不敢置信地以手覆面倒在场地上。As a Schiavone backhand drifted over the baseline, a disbelieving Li fell to the clay and put her hands to her face.

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昨天,当我问你能否置信一团体的觉得,你说,你曾经有很长的工夫不再置信爱情了。Yesterday, when I asked you if you trust one's feeling, you said you have been in disbelieving the love for a long time.

我只是通过一些随手可得的视角让自己感知现实的存在,并不愿意去相信那些必须以怀疑其他为代价的“信仰”。I enable myself to perceive reality through both perspectives at once. And I do not “believe” in one at the cost of disbelieving the other.

人的幸福必要的是精神方面对自己忠实。不忠实则没有相信也没有怀疑。It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing or in disbelieving.