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亦或是美丽的容颜卸去了桂冠?Is it for beauty to forego her wreath?

大家一起来经历一个小小的神经手术,好吧?We will forego the brief neuron surgery. Ok?

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当然,这并不意味着您应该放弃安全性!Of course, that does not mean you should forego security!

一年前么有先前最喜爱的风味我也能过。A age ago I have to go lacking the forego favorite flavor.

双方宣称阿联酋将放弃铀浓缩并签署该议定书。Both sides say the UAE will forego enrichment and sign the protocol.

你满满的工作安排是否迫使你放弃日常锻炼?Is your tight work schedule forcing you to forego your daily exercises?

假如你的员工们决定彻底放弃办公室,千万不要大惊小怪。Just don't be surprised if they decide to forego the office altogether.

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这里,三个圣诞老人放弃了他们的雪橇而选择地铁。Here, three Santas forego their sleighs in favor of an underground commute.

你选择放弃玩,因为你想要或者说宁可看电视。You are choosing to forego playing because you want to or would rather watch TV.

他也有满目苍凉的冬天,除非他走在命定的时日之前。He has his Winter too of pale disfeature , or else he would forego his mortal nature.

路上只有不吃饭,不睡觉,拚命的跑了,但不知黑玫瑰能不能挨?It looks like I have to forego food and sleep. I wonder if Black Rose can run on an empty stomach.

在经济危机中,人们往往放弃私人保健,而更多地使用公共资助的服务。In times of economic crisis, people tend to forego private care and make more use of publicly financed services.

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如果这些事情不能达成一致,最好在项目开始之前就转移您的注意力到其它更有价值的项目上。If these things cannot be agreed, then it is best to forego the project and turn your attention to more worthy projects.

我觉得只有两种花的香味比兰花更好,这两种花就是木樨和水仙花。There are only two flowers for whose fragrance I am willing to forego the orchid, and they are the cassia and the narcissus.

于是,我的朋友决定放弃和其他朋友见面,返回不远处自己下榻的三星级酒店。So my friend decided to forego meeting up with friends and head back to his hotel, a 3-star property within walking distance.

一直在丈夫身边鞍前马后,现在她很想暂时放弃一下这种亲密的婚姻生活。Devoted as she was to her husband, their intimate conjugal life was something which she was more than willing to forego for a while.

相比六个月前而言,度假者更不愿意放弃他们的一年一度的假期,但是许多人会采取新的省钱的手段。Holidaymakers are even less willing to forego their annual holiday than six months ago but many will adopt new cost-cutting tactics.

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时间或其他资源有限时,我们往往会放弃某些文字措辞的考虑,或者某个表格的按钮设计。We forego any thought put into the wording of something, or the design of a single button on a form if time and resources are limited.

这也许意味着创始人不给他/她的投资者重大的投票权,而是放弃兑现,继续跟着公司一起发展。There may be no more significant of a vote of confidence a founder can give his or her investors than to forego liquidity and press ahead.

例如,如果父母要她放弃在一个在遥远城市工作的机会,她会在离家较近的家乡找一份较小的工作。If they ask her to forego an opportunity in a far away city, for example, she will take a lesser job in her hometown to be close to her family.