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即使是今天,我们也常口言良知衡量自己的对错。He appended idiographic content to soul. That is "conscience ".

具体的型号规格、各项技术参数,请来电或E-mail咨询!Idiographic type, each technical parameter, please call ore-mail !

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首先通过具体的案例对我国法律规避的表现形式进行了归纳。Firstly, generalize the form of the evasion of law by idiographic cases.

现在,我接触了啦啦队,更为它独特的魅力深深着迷。After contacting cheering squad , I captivate deeply for it's idiographic charm.

基于此,具体分析了预决事实的具体适用情形。Based on the above mentioned, thesis embodies the idiographic application of fact prejudged.

存在论上的政府公共性可以称之为政府的行政范型,它是政府终其所是的惟一存在方式。So government publicity is government ontic being, but not public entity or idiographic publicity.

因而公共性是政府的实体性存在,而非公共实体和具体的公共性。So government publicity is government ontic being , but not public entity or idiographic publicity.

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不要把研究特殊性的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.

的一词与表意符号的一词混淆,后者是衍生于表意符号的形容词。The word idiographic is not to be confused with ideographic, which is the adjective formed from ideogram.

在护理慢性伤口时,应根据具体情况,选择合适的护理方法及必要的支持治疗。Chose appropriate care and necessary support therapy basis on idiographic circs for chronic wound patients.

“具体案件公正解决”是现代国际私法学界所追求的一个目标。Just Resolution of Idiographic Cases' is an aim that modern International Private Law re-searchers seek for.

可以发布自身产品和技术的解决方案和基于解决方案实施中具体的产品的应用案例。It also offers the solution to productions and technology, and the idiographic cases in the actualize process.

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问到她具体原因,说因为你们的性格有些相象,话不多,但很细心。When I asked the idiographic reason, said that coz he and me have the similar character with few words but very chary.

其独特的风味、丰富的营养、鲜艳的色彩和特殊的医用价值吸引着越来越多的消费者。For its idiographic sapor, abundant alimentation, fresh color and peculiar medical value, it attracts more and more consumers.

提出了具体的研制工艺和流程,为棉油脚的综合利用和硬脂酸产品的产业化提供技术依据。Idiographic technics and flow were put forward in order to provide technical foundation for utilizing cottonseed oil material.

在实验室中进行模型实验,虽有直观、形象等优点,但通常存在费用高、进度慢等缺点。The experimentation has the strongpoint of idiographic and visual , but it has the disadvantage of long period and high charge.

与等效焓降法相比,它们在具体问题和要求上更有针对性。Compared with the equivalent enthalpy drop method, these algorithms are more effective in dealing with the idiographic problems.

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设计的总原则应以患者为关注中心,具体原则包括方便、捷、确、适、明礼貌和可评价。The general principle is looking the patients as the center and the idiographic principle includes facility, shortcut, nicety etc.

中国也在很早有了优先权,但在现代立法中却没有统一的具体规定。The system of priority lacked uniform and idiographic criterion in the modern lawmaking of China although it was appeared long ago.

设计的总原则应以患者为关注中心,具体原则包括方便、快捷、准确、舒适、文明礼貌和可评价。The general principle is looking the patients as the center and the idiographic principle includes facility , shortcut , nicety etc.