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作者是新加坡国立大学退休马来文教授。The writer is a retired NUS professor in Malay.

使用全国学生联合会特别卡从你喜欢的零售商那得到优惠。Use the NUS Extra card to get money off at your favourite retailers.

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刚才那几个努蛮族人,你故意让白十三他们下重手的?Just those Nus pretty clansmen, you intentionally let white 13 they next weigh a hand?

那么他认为签署有关NUS许诺不提高费用的决议是愚蠢的吗?Did he think it was foolish of them to sign the NUS pledge promising not to raise fees?

我们学校姐妹会和兄弟会在“接吻亭”计划中合作出问题来了。The Delta Nus partnered with the Kappa Kappa Gammas on Project Kissing Booth. Big problems.

欲退出考级,请以书面通知,并寄至国大艺术中心。Request to withdraw from the examination must be made in writing to NUS Centre For the Arts.

作者为华文报咨询团成员、国大物理系兼任教授。The author is visiting professor of physics at NUS and member of Chinese Newspapers Resource Panel.

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他们认为在新加坡大学,学生应该“有言论自由,教授有教课的自由。”They added that students ‘have the liberty to speak, and professors have the liberty to teach’ in NUS.

他们也不常用诸葛弩,他们一般都用普通的弓,普通的弓很明显更有优势。They dint use the chu ko nus often too, they used the normal bows, which apparently had more advantages.

初院会考母语也必须及格,这是升入国大和南大深造的必要条件。They also have to pass it in A-Level examinations, which is a must if they aspire to study in NUS or NTU.

协议中甚至让新加坡大学支付新校中耶鲁教授们的薪金。The agreement even seems to require NUS to reimburse Yale for the salaries of Yale professors who will teach in Singapore.

在国大和南大校园走一趟,不难发现讲华语的人不比讲英语的人少。A walk in either the campus of the NUS or NTU will show that the number of Mandarin-speaking students is no less than English-speaking ones.

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在80年代初,我们一群国大校园念书的华校生,活得像边缘人,华语自然是边缘化的语言。In the early 80s, Chinese-stream students studying at the NUS felt truly sidelined. And the Chinese language was of course a marginalised language.

我和二友人原就读于国大,九月间同行负笈上海复旦大学,参与校际交流计划。Along with two fellow NUS undergraduates, I have been studying in Shanghai's Fudan University since September on an inter-varsity exchange programme.

国家学生联盟和工会发布的这一分析报告涵盖的工资不到最低线的职员主要在剑桥大学及其独立分院工作。The NUS and Unison published a breakdown of the number of staff working centrally for Cambridge and its individual colleges on less than the minimum wage.

他们宁愿让新加坡大学发展自己的教育品牌,这远胜于与耶鲁合作带来的辉煌。They’d prefer that NUS was more aggressive in developing its own brand of education rather than trying to gain instant prestige through a partnership with Yale.

“前辈,你也看到了。这个孩子太调皮了,已经犯了众怒了。”老族长和那几位长老一脸苦笑的说道。"Elder generation, you also saw. This kid is too very mischievous, have already made many Nus. "Old clan long and those elders are one saying of face wry laugh.

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英国全国学生联合会刚刚发起了一项用税来代替这项额外学费的游说运动,这项税将按一定比例从毕业生的收入中收取,高收入者缴付越重。The NUS has just launched a campaign to replace the fees by a tax, which would be levied as a percentage of graduates' earnings, hitting the highly-paid hardest.