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另一方当事人可解除让与人的债务。The other party may discharge the assignor.

如驱动步进电机用的“硬件脉冲分配器”。Such as "Hardware Pulse Assignor" used by driving stepping motor.

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但是,让与人可能因而向债务人承担违约义务。However, the assignor may be liable to the obligor for breach of contract.

其法律效果主要发生在原所有权人、让与人和受让人之间。Its legislative effect is mainly valid to the owner, assignor and concessionaire.

后者,可以抽逃出资瑕疵股权转让人和受让人为共同被告。The latter, taking the assignor and the assignee of capital flight for the co-defendant.

其余情况下,让与人和受让人承担连带责任。Otherastute the assignor and the assignee are accordingly and seveassemblage accountable.

此外,受让人还取得要求转让人加注背书之权利。In addition, require the assignor to the assignee also obtained the right to add the word endorsement.

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一项权利仅凭让与人和受让人之间的协议即可转让,而毋庸通知债务人。A right is assigned by simple agreement between the assignor and the assignee, after notice to the obligor.

债务人可以其反抗让与人的所有抗辩权,抗衡受让人。The obligor may assert against the assignee all defences that the obligor could assert against the assignor.

毗邻条件决定格分派,该条件要求格分派者和格接受者要相互毗邻。As is required by Adjacency Condition principle, a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.

因权利转让产生的任何额定本钱,债务人有权请求让与人或受让人给予弥补。The obligor has a right to be atoned by the assignor or the assignee for any additional costs acquired by the assignment.

项目转让人和受让人应当书面通知被拆迁人,并自转让合同签订之日起30日内予以公告。Project assignor and the assignee should be taken in writing, and since the transfer of the date of the contract to 30 days notice.

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在收到让与人或受让人发出的转让通知以前,债务人可通过向让与人清偿来解除。Until the obligor accepts a notice of the assignment from either the assignor or the assignee, it is absolved by paying the assignor.

让与的债权不存在或者债务人解除合同时,债务人通常只能够向债权出让人请求返还。Normally, obligor can restitute only from the assignor if the creditor's right assigned doesn't exist or obligor revokes the contract.

项目转让人和受让人应当书面通知被拆迁人,并自转让合同签订之日起三十日内予以公告。Project assignor and the assignee should be taken in writing, and since the transfer of the date of the contract within 30 to be announced.

充分证据包含但不限于,让与人作出的并能够表明转让已做出的任何书面文件。Adequate proof covers, but is not bound to, any autograph appearing from the assignor and advertence that the assignment has taken papplique.

第八十二条债务人接到债权转让的通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。After the obligor receives the notification of transfer of the obligee's right, the obligor may claim its demur against the assignor to the assignee.

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不能按期开工建设的,应提前30日向出让人提出延建申请,但延建时间最长不得超过一年。If he cannot begin the construction on time, he should propose the extension request to the assignor ahead of 30 days, but the time can't exceed a year utmost.

债务人接到债权转让通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee's right, the obligor may, in respect of the assignee, avail itself of any defense it has against the assignor.

第八十三条债务人接到债权转让通知时,债务人对让与人享有债权,并且债务人的债权先于转让的债权到期或者同时到期的,债务人可以向受让人主张抵销。Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee's right, the obligor may, in respect of the assignee, avail itself of any defense it has against the assignor.