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欢迎您。Stan Stan, Welcome.

斯坦从他的魔术帽里把兔子那出来。Stan took a rabbit form his magic hat.

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我让芒迪和斯坦展开讨论。I let Mandy and Stan start the discussion.

斯坦·劳雷尔出生在阿盖尔街3号。Stan Laurel was born at number 3, Argyll Street.

芯片从1990年阿霍伊商业主演本斯坦。Chip Ahoy " commercial " from 1990 starring Stan.

为什么我不能将它与斯坦温斯顿的技术结合起来呢?Why can't I combine that with Stan Winston's doing?

鼓手斯坦·列维后来和查理·帕克同台演出。A drummer, Stan Levey, later played with Charlie Parker.

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格拉斯坦是斯德哥尔摩最老的城镇,由名字即可得知。Gamla Stan is the oldest part of Stockholm, hence the name.

我还邀请了斯坦.格林伯格、保罗.贝加拉和曼迪.格伦沃尔德。I also invited Stan Greenberg, Paul Begala, and Mandy Grunwald.

再—次地,史坦于五分钟之内就接受了价值投资法。Again, it took five minutes for Stan to embrace the value approach.

吉尼斯还受到了他欣赏的斯坦•劳莱来自远方的影响。An early influence from afar was Stan Laurel, whom Guinness admired.

下面是斯坦范刚迪的一段电话记录,你想笑就笑吧。Picture this Collect call from Stan Van Gundy and laugh if you want.

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副总编斯坦‧维西瑙斯基将出任代理主编。Assistant Managing Editor Stan Wischnowski will serve as acting editor.

斯坦盯着这座宁静的日本岩石花园看了好几个小时。Stan stared for hours at the quiescent scene of the Japanese rock garden.

但是斯坦格兰特告诉我们,在首都喀布尔,这种情况正在发生改变。But as Stan Grant shows us, in the capital of Kabul, that tune is changing.

斯坦和简贝贝在1962年推出第一贝贝熊的书。Stan and Jan Berenstain introduced the first Berenstain Bear books in 1962.

还有斯坦·科伦德抨击了马丁·菲尔德坦的鹰派经济刺激计划。And Stan Collender shoots down Martin Feldstein's hawkish stimulus proposal.

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他还有很多路要走,特别是一个新秀。"It's a long road back, especially for a rookie, " coach Stan Van Gundy said.

上个月我曾代我老板斯坦。鲍德温出席了那次季度汇报。I attended that quarterly review last month, in place of my boss, Stan Baldwin.

斯坦?标准统计测试,可并不会讨论。Stan dard statistical tests are available and will not be discussed in this paper.