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媒体帝国,女人,孩子,复仇,名望和玩弄于股掌的各国政要。A media empire. Women.

帝国尔布拉夫斯径。The Empire Bluffs Trail.

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亚东大帝国!Great Empire of East Asia!

于是,帝国的序幕由此拉开。It was the dawn of empire.

因此自称为“日不落帝国”。So call "day falls empire".

这就是蒙古帝国。It was the Mongolian Empire.

妳们的王国将是强盛的。Thine Empire shall be strong.

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大英帝国是以新加坡为枢轴的。The empire pivots on singapore.

他是大帝国的创立者。He is the founder of the empire.

它统治了广泛深远的帝国。It ruled a wide-reaching empire.

谁击溃瓦解了奥托曼帝国?Who defeated the Ottoman Empire?

秦帝国建于公元前221年。Empire Qin is found in B. C. 221.

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古印度是一个不同的帝国。Old India was a different empire.

帝国胸衣与打褶细节。Empire bodice with pleated detail.

她曾统治过一个版图辽阔的帝国。She once ruled over a vast empire.

大清国是要完了。The great Qing Empire is done for.

印加帝国在1533年迅速垮台。The Incan empire fell quickly 1533.

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该帝国迅速变得野蛮起来。The empire was barbarizing rapidly.

这个强大的帝?囯最终瓦?解了。The mighty empire finally crumB?led.

为美国帝国敲边鼓?Three Cheers for an American Empire?