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他是否喜欢天后歌手?Does he like diva singers?

让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎流行天后李玟!Let's give it up for pop diva Coco Lee!

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上周,一个著名女歌唱家坐在我前面的位置上。I had a seatback diva in front of me last week.

她不只代表了意大利声乐的极致,在歌剧世界内外,都是名伶中的天后。In the opera world and beyond, she was the diva of divas.

他解释了为什么希尔斯能成为美国最受爱戴的演员。He explains why Beverly Sills became America's beloved diva.

仁顺?当然,我认识她。她是很漂亮又有才华的天后。Insooni? Yes, I know her. She's a very beautiful and talented diva.

布偶女歌剧家也来探访毛毛,并一起学习打电话!And he's even visited by a Muppet opera diva and talking Muppet phone!

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我可怜的女主角,她做得可真是太棒了,她把本周的所有这些事都保留在了一起。My poor Diva Girl. She was doing so well, keeping it together this week.

流行天后葛罗莉亚盖罗的“我要活下去”曾是70年代后期的大热歌曲。Pop diva Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" was a huge hit in the late 1970s.

现在她的宽边帽和紧身衣又一阵风刮到了时尚界。Now the "Just Dance" diva is influencing fashion with her wide-brimmed hats and leotards.

丹露为了扮演一个需要哀哭喊叫的角色而多少卸下了她那冷艳天后的形象。Deneuve sheds something of her icy diva image in a role that requires her to cry and shout.

尽管遇上台风天,来自各地的热情歌迷还是“风雨无阻”的踊跃出席支持。Despite the typhoon looming about, fans from all overcame nevertheless to support their Diva.

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韦伯曾犹豫过是否要聘请她,因为她并不具备一个女歌手应有的姣好面相。At first, Webb was hesitant to bring her in because she didn't have the standard good looks of a singing diva.

当首次在电台和各俱乐部演放此单曲时,许多歌迷把麦当娜误认为一为美国黑人迪斯科舞厅的女歌手。When it was first played on the radio and in clubs, many fans mistook Madonna for an Afro-American disco diva.

他所有其他的女人只是配角,可是艾娃是一个女主角,她骚动的灵魂与他的相匹配。All his other women had been supporting players, but Ava was a diva with a soul whose turbulence equalled his own.

我不知道为什么萨沙没来,可能是一些私人原因,也可能是他离开DIVA了。I don't know why Gruzdev didn't come. Maybe he couldn't go to this tour for some personal reasons, but maybe he left DIVA?

由流行天后王菲和影星李亚鹏夫妇不久前成立的“嫣然天使基金会”今年制订了一个大计划。foundation launched recently by pop diva Faye Wong and her film star husband Li Yapeng has set an ambitious agenda for this year.

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修芙俪“时光逆转瞬间除皱涂液”被特里亚那麦卡锡称为“最想得到的美容品”,她是星期日独立报专栏美容作家。Diva Deva Reverse was picked as "Triona's Most Wanted" by Triiona McCarthy, beauty columnist from the Sunday Independent Newspaper.

在昨天深夜的节目现场,这个称霸榜首的女歌手在直播时老公尼克·卡农意外得打来电话。During the live, late night TV slot, the chart-topping diva was surprised by husband Nick Cannon who called in while she was on air.

这位蓝调天后身穿单肩豹纹的礼服出现在红毯上,并用大吊坠的耳环来为光滑的发髻增加光彩。The R&B diva prowls the red carpet in her one-shoulder, leopard-print gown, adding dazzle to her sleek updo with chandelier earrings.