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他们迅速赶到了战斗的前线并且发现战争正在进行。They rode to the battlefront and found that the war was well underway.

他在谈到美国与捆绑游戏和星球大战前线。He's talking about the US bundles with Daxter and Star Wars Battlefront.

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如果紧张的关系继续加强,作为滩头阵地的厦门可能会成为前沿阵地。If tensions were to escalate, the beachhead of Xiamen could become a battlefront.

在巴黎和越南前线的谈判中真正发生了什么事情?What has really happened in the negotiations in Paris and the battlefront in Vietnam?

这些物资先在摩尔曼斯克卸下,然后由驯鹿将它们拖运到前线上去。Once those supplies were offloaded in Mumansk, reindeer hauled them to the battlefront.

但是海运到摩尔曼斯克的补给品仍然需要继续被拖运到前线。But the supplies that made it to port in Murmansk still needed to be hauled to the battlefront.

这意味着,克拉里恩为全面推进素质教育已在教育战线引爆。It means that the clarion for roundly advancing quality education has blew at educational battlefront.

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家乡“在这里是为了与“巴波姆“押韵“,将前线和后方放到一起成为一个押韵。And "home" is here made to rhyme with "Bapaume," bringing battlefront and home front together as a rhyme.

这项服务从献血者那里获得血源,然后将其运到前线的医院和士兵那里。The service collected blood from donors and delivered it to hospitals and to soldiers at the battlefront.

他收集血液,然后沿600英里的前线送到伤员需要的地方。He collected blood, which was then transported to where it was needed for the wounded along the 600-mile battlefront.

在克隆人战争的最后日子里,501兵团一直被频繁调动,在各个战场之间往来穿梭。In the final days of the Clone Wars, the 501st were constantly on the move, shuttled from battlefront to battlefront.

加强教育战线党组织和干部执政能力建设具有重大政治意义。Strengthen organization of educational battlefront party and cadre to be in office ability construction has great politics sense.

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根据中日战场及太平洋战场转折的状况,并且考虑到轰炸背后的动机,我们把日军航空部队轰炸桂林的暴行分为三个阶段。The bombing was divided into three stages according to the motivation of bombing and the turning point of the Pacific battlefront.

例如,意大利是距离利比亚战场前线最近的北约和欧洲成员国,利比亚对其而言有着最大的经济利益产出。Italy, for example, is the nearest NATO nation to the Libyan battlefront and the European country with the greatest economic stake in the outcome.

至此,一个全方位涵盖了基础教育战线的教育硕士专业学位招生体系已经形成。So far, all-around the system of recruit students of degree of educational Master major that covered a foundation to teach battlefront has been formed.

今天,他是一名从事汽车维修教学的高级技师,在教书育人的战线上,工作了整整17年。Today, he is a senior technician that pursues education of vehicle maintenance and repair , on the battlefront of teach Yo person, worked full 17 years.

在丈夫为民族事业牺牲后,这位坚强的妇女强忍悲痛,又将自己的爱子送上前线。After her husband's sacrifice for the national cause, this heroic woman hardened herself against feeling deep sorrow and sent her beloved son to the battlefront.

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到了此时,前线屡战屡败,法西斯头子的牛皮虽然照样厚颜无耻地吹,然而已经空洞无力,有时候牛头不对马嘴。To this time, the battlefront suffered a defeat again and again. The fascist heads beat the drum for their war impudently, but their advocacy was devoid of content, even inconsistent sometimes.