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那顿饭是在切斯特吃的还是在马耳他吃的?Was that meal in Chester or Malta?

有一天,我正前往马耳他一间具规模的宾馆。One a day ima gonna Malta to bigga ho.

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某日,我要去马耳他的大酒店。One day i'm gonna to malta to a big hotel.

瓦莱塔,马耳他。VALLETTA, Malta – How things have changed.

哭泣,撕碎了马其他和利古里亚Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian side.

有一天,我去马拉塔旅游,住大宾馆。One a day I'm gonna to Malta to big a hotel.

少林和尚在马耳他表演中国功夫。Shaolin monks perform Chinese Kung Fu in Malta.

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1814年,马耳他岛沦为大英帝国的殖民地。In 1814, Malta became a part of the British Empire.

马耳他就是否允许离婚举行全民公决。Malta holds a referendum on whether to allow divorce.

马尔他,马尔他大学医学院,耳鼻喉外科。ENT Surgery, the Medical School, University of Malta, Malta.

达里奥-西米奇在马耳他的克罗地亚1-1的平局中踢了80分钟。Dario Simic played 80 minutes in Croatia's 1-1 draw in Malta.

就人口和面积而言,马耳他是欧盟中最小的国家。Malta is the smallest EU country in terms of both population and area.

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马耳他拥有3,390英里的人口密度每平方,第四最高纪录。Malta has a density of 3,390 people per square mile, the fourth highest.

墨西哥和马耳他的排名也比位列第四的新加坡高。Mexico and Malta also ranked higher than Singapore, which came in at No. 4.

我是马尔他人,我听说你也有亲戚在那边?。I'm from Malta and I've read somewhere you have Maltese relatives. Is this so?

在1528年,这些城堡由400名马耳他武士与800名佣兵防守,。In 1528, these forts were defended by 400 Knights of Malta and 800 mercenaries.

马耳他的一项最新调查显示,赞成者已在急速减少。Support for the Yes vote has fallen sharply according to a latest survey of Malta.

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1979年与英国的联盟结束后,马尔他宣告中立地位。When its alliance with Britain ended in 1979, Malta proclaimed its neutral status.

广场一端坐落着一个紧闭的大门,通向马耳他骑士修道院。To one side is a great closed door, which leads to the Priory of the Knights of Malta.

在歌舞青春的论坛里,来自马达加斯加和马耳他的粉丝们和来自印度尼西亚和巴基斯坦的聊天。On HSM web forums, fans from Madagascar and Malta chat with Indonesians and Pakistanis.