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人人都喜欢免费的东西。Everybody loves a freebie.

这是我在嘉年华得的免费赠品。It's a freebie I got at the carnival.

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杰姆给了我们一些免费电影票。Jim give us some freebie to the movie.

麦当劳快乐餐的免费玩具Couple of freebie toys from McDonald Happy Meals

每一个主要城市和许多小城市都有免费的博物馆。Every major city and many smaller ones have freebie museums.

不要把时间浪费在那些无聊的员工身上。This isn't a freebie pass to commiserate with other bored employees.

我用了一转到媒体的阿森纳免费搭乘下载为载体的艺术。I used one of Go Media's Arsenal freebie downloads for the vector art.

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该专利还暗示着你可以玩到革命专用游戏中免费附带的经典游戏。The patent also hints that we may be able to get freebie classic games when we buy other Revolution-only games.

只记得,有免费场地要你们自己网站连接,然后他们将名单提交您免费。Just remember, some freebie sites want you to link to their web site before they will list your freebie submission.

如果有比害怕爬动的虫虫更强烈的本能,那就是害怕错过其他每个人都有的好康。Because if there is one instinct stronger than the fear of creepy-crawlies, it is the fear of missing out on a freebie that everyone else is getting.

据美联社报道,法国珠宝店“梦宝星”1日在日本东京市中心的旗舰店免费发放5000颗0.1克拉小钻石,每颗价值约50美元,吸引数千人排队,队伍延伸了几个街区。Lines curled around for blocks in downtown Tokyo Monday for 5000 0.1-carat freebie diamonds French jeweler Mauboussin was giving away in an attention-getting drive, AP reported.

如果你是个和我一样的geek,你需要从新开始——清除你一壁橱的所有会议赠送T恤,刷亮你的鞋子,烧了你的屁股爆裂的裤子。If you’re a geek like me, you need to dial a fresh start – clear your closets of all those conference freebie t-shirts, put a shine on your shoes, and burn your butt-crack pants.

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这不仅仅是同情其他无聊的人,这里的目标是和那些对你未来有帮助的人建立友谊,先不管是为了在哪家公司而这样做。This isn't a freebie pass to commiserate with other bored employees. The goal here is to forge relationships that can benefit you in the future, whether it is for this company or another.