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该酶对苎麻脱胶有较好的特异性。The enzyme had better specificity for ramie retting.

浸渍的目的就是在于使果胶质分解。The goal of retting is to bring about decomposition of the pectin.

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由沤麻液中分离并选育得到两株果胶酶产生菌,分别命名为HDYM-01和HDYM-02。Two stains, HDYM-01 and HDYM-02, were separated from retting water.

亚麻沤制废水是高浓度有机废水。Flax retting wastewater is organic wastewater of high concentration.

还原糖和蛋白质的变化在整个脱胶过程中略呈“M”型。The curve change of reducing sugar and protein shaped like a "M" in the whole retting process.

对雨露麻粗纱煮练后进行两次氧漂,可提高漂后租纱质量,改善细纱条干及成纱品质指标。It will improve the quality and the standard by double oxygen bleached to dew retting rove after boiling.

废水来源有浸泡后之黑液,打浆时洗桨废水及抄纸洗网废水等。Wastewater from the mill consists of two parts, the black liquor from the retting pits and the waste process water.

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天然水沤麻存在费工、费时、劳动强度大、质量不稳定、污染环境等缺点。Natural water retting has the weak points of long retting time, hard sledding, unstable quality and water pollution.

采用海水和清水对大麻纤维浸泡脱胶,并比较了其脱胶效果。Retting of the hemp was performed with fresh water and sea water separately, and their degumming effects were compared.

经过沤堆发酵之后,茶条会轻散一些,因此要进行复揉5~6分钟。After retting heap after fermentation, the tea will be some scattered light, so to rehabilitation kneading 5 to 6 minutes.

在此理论研究基础上,确定了好氧微生物脱胶的工艺路线。Based upon the aforementioned theoretical research, aerobic retting is selected as the technological route in this thesis.

如温度高过50℃,则会烧堆,因此在沤堆过程中要注意翻堆散热。Such as temperature higher than 50 ℃, will burn pile, so retting reactor in the process of cooling to the attention of Fandui.

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采用X射线衍射法研究温水浸渍法脱胶和酶法脱胶过程中亚麻纤维结晶度、取向度的变化情况。X-ray diffraction techniques were used to measure the degree of crystallinity and the orientation of flax fiber during retting.

将同一采样点的样品分别晒干、晾干、沤干后,以水为萃取剂,提取棕褐色色素,并对其稳定性进行了测试与比较。Stability testing and compare of the Hydroextracting the Dark Brown Pigment from Walnut epicarp of dry in the sun and by the airing and retting.

将同一采样点的样品分别晒乾、晾乾、沤干后,以水为萃取剂,提取棕褐色色素,并对其稳定性进行了测试与比较。Stability testing and compare of the Hydroextracting the Dark Brown Pigment from Walnut epicarp of dry in the sun and by the airing and retting.

以果胶酶产生菌HDYM-01和HDYM-02为出发菌株,经扩大培养后加入到沤麻池中进行温水沤麻试验。Two pectinase-producing strains HDYM-01 and HDYM-02, which were amplified in liquid medium, were added into tank retting to proceed water-retting.

利用加菌沤麻所得沤麻水进行回用沤麻试验,结果表明加菌沤麻水回用工艺出麻率较正常沤制高,经F检验差异显著。When reusing retting water to proceed the next flax retting, the yield of fiber flax was higher and the difference was also significant with F test.

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经产酶条件研究和工厂生产试验,建立了加菌沤麻新工艺。A new technology of adding the bacteria for retting flax was developed by studying the fermentation conditions in lab and industrial flax production.

在天然水浸脱胶条件下,对影响亚麻脱胶效果的麻茎特性及其作用机制进行了初步探讨。Under natural water retting condition, the effect of stem characteristics on retting of flax and its reasons were preliminarily studied in the paper.

通过对进口雨露麻纺纱设备及纺纱工艺的改进,提高了成纱的断裂长度指标。By improving the equipment and processing of spinning with the imported dew retting linen, then enhance the breaking elongated index of resultant yarn.