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我称它为“经济大震荡”。I call it the Great Disruption.

睡眠崩解已经是抑郁的一个特点。Sleep disruption is already a hallmark of depression.

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此决定有可能为一些考生带来不便,为此我们深表歉意。We apologize for any disruption caused by this action.

战争和饥馑严重地破坏着社会的稳定。Wars and famines signified the disruption of stability.

整个系统不会出现大的的震荡。There isn't going to be huge disruption of the whole system.

我真心认为我们现在正处在社交网络的大混战中。I do believe we're completely in the midst of social disruption.

他们是颠覆者,但是他们并没有从颠覆性中获利。They were the disruptors, but they didn’t profit from the disruption.

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欧洲方面任何大的震荡都会对美国产生相当大的破坏性影响。Any major disruption in Europe is pretty disruptive to the US as well.

外伤造成肱二头肌封闭性的断裂是一罕见的伤害。Closed traumatic disruption of the biceps brachii is an infrequent injury.

支持细胞有时水肿、崩溃,并可见再生现象。Other changes of Sertoli cells included edema, disruption and proliferation.

这种磁暴对磁法勘探产生严重的破坏。Such storms cause considerable disruption in magnetic prospecting operation.

降雪量仅一夜之间就达约30厘米,导致大规模的运输中断。Around 30cm of snow fell in one night, causing widespread transport disruption.

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但无论利比亚现在局势如何,石油市场都没有受到干扰。Whatever is happening in Libya, the disruption to oil markets has not happened.

全球经济相互依存关系也加大了对经济造成破坏的可能性。Global economic interdependence amplified the potential for economic disruption.

第一个晚上出现更多的纺锤波意味着他们更可能免受噪音干扰的影响。More spindles meant they were more likely to be protected from sleep disruption.

陕甘宁边区,是这种阴谋的一部分。The disruption of the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region was part of their plot.

目的探讨外伤性听骨链中断的诊断和治疗。Objective To explore diagnosis and therapy of traumatic ossicular chain disruption.

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在短时间框架内对所有用户进行培训,同时管理到业务的分裂。Educating all users in a short time frame while managing disruption to the business.

我们将污染的东西丢在河流里,破坏许多维生物的生态的系统。Oceans and rivers are polluted leading to the death and disruption of the ecosystem.

在所有莱瑟曼的武士中,没人像费奥多那样感到困扰。Of all Rashemen's warriors, perhaps none had felt this disruption so much as Fyodor.