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美是对多余的净化。Beauty is the purgation of superfluities.

通腑法亦即下法,为中风病急性期主要治法之一。Purgation is the main therapy for apoplexy at acute stage.

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她必须被净化,经由这净化,她的内部将喷涌。She must purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

她必须被净化,通过这净化,她的内容物将会喷出。She must be purged and through this purgation her bowels shall spew.

研究魔芋低聚甘露糖对小鼠的通便作用。To study the purgation effect of Mannose oligomer in Amorphophallus konjac.

使用时,先把车体清洗干净,涂上擦洗膏或清洗剂,用毛巾擦洗。Clean pure body first while using, Tu Shang scrub cream or purgation agent, use towel scrub.

提示微波的非热效应可能会影响白血病细胞的净化。It was suggested that nonthermal effect of microwave might influence purgation of leukemic cells.

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赎罪岛是一个位于希尔斯布莱德丘陵海岸南方的岛屿,它呈高耸的螺旋状。Purgation Isle is an island south of the shores of Hillsbrad Foothills, in a shape of a towering spiral.

另一种是化学清洗剂,可溶解沉积的油污以便擦除。Another is chemistry purgation agent, can fuse the oil contamination of sediment in order to wipe in addition to.

本文从净化均化陈化工艺方面阐述了提高煤矸石烧结砖质量的措施。The paper expounds the methods about improve quality of gangue sintering brick from the technology of purgation homogeneity banality.

结论罗汉参对便秘模型小鼠具有通便作用,对正常小鼠无通便作用。Conclusion The results indicate that Luohanshen has a positive effect on purgation in constipated mice but has no effect in normal mice.

以硫铁矿烧渣为原料,经过磁选、熟化、除杂等生产工艺制备了超细氧化铁粉末和铁盐。Super-fine Fe_3O_4 powders were synthesized by using Pyrite Cinder as feed material via magnetic separation and maturing and purgation technology.

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介绍吴立文教授运用仲景辛开苦降法治疗内科杂病的经验。Introduce professor Wu Liwen's experience for miscellaneous diseases applying Zhongjing's method on pungent drugs for dispersion and bitter drugs for purgation.

采用注浆成型法制备了洁净煤用高温多孔陶瓷过滤管载体。The fabrication technology by injecting slurry moulding method for high temperature porous ceramic filter pipe carrier used for coal purgation was investigated.

后世温病大家吴鞠通创设增液承气汤,似与少阴三急下证颇合。Members of future generations WuJu-tong created fluidincreasing decoction for purgation, seemingly accord with three urgent purgation with Shaoyin quite a radical.

这种净化是很有必要的,弥尔顿的语言为什么需要被完全净化,我认为这个问题才是所有剩余诗歌,真正的主题。What exactly that purgation will entail and why Milton's voice needs to be purged at all I think these questions are really the subject of the entire rest of the poem.

其中的急下证、蓄血证、蓄血发黄证等,均与MODS不同的器官损伤密切相关。Acute purgation syndrome, blood stasis syndrome and jaundice due to accumulation of stagnant blood syndrome are all closely interrelated to different injury of organs in MODS.

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车前子多糖的药学研究中,对其进行了工艺、含量测定、药效学研究及缓泻机理的初步探讨。The first part is. about the study of the technology, content determination, pharmacodynamics and the mild purgation mechanism of the polysaccharides in the Plantaginis Semen.

此与大黄通腑泻下,抑制肠源性内毒素吸收,进而抑制TNF-α、IL-6及氧自由基介导的炎症反应有关。This result correlate with the effect of purgation and inhibiting the enterogenous endotoxin of rhubarb that it can inhibit the inflammation which mediated by TNF-α, IL-6 and oxygen free radical.