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这张专辑上对家庭的影射就此止步。The familial allusion was left off the album.

他给教会里每个人一个熟习的角色。Notice everybody in the church has some familial role.

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日本长期实行着一种家族资本主义的模式。JAPAN has long practised a form of familial capitalism.

家族一般情况分析。Table 1. General conditions of the familial hypertriglyceridemia.

SGLT2的遗传缺陷会导致良性家族性肾性葡萄糖尿症。Genetic defects of SGLT2 result in a benign familial renal glucosuria.

关于对儿童的社会或家庭虐待仍然不得而知。Information about societal or familial abuse of children remained unavailable.

报道了23例家族性结肠息肉病的外科治疗。From 1985 to 1993, 23 cases of familial polyposis coil were treated surgically.

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系谱学家早已将家庭关系定义为血缘或者婚姻关系。Genealogists have long defined familial relations along bloodlines or marriage.

家族遗传性先天低血压是怎么回事情?。How is low blood pressure of familial transmissibility apriori to wind an affair?

诊断时家族性卵巢癌与散发性卵巢癌分期无差别。Stage at diagnosis had no difference between familial and sporadic ovarian cancer.

大多数妇女的职责是做一名妻子,履行家庭职责而不外出工作。The majority of women were wives who didn't work outside of their familial duties.

早老蛋白基因的突变是家族性阿尔茨海默病的主要病因。Mutations in the presenilin genes are the main cause of familial Alzheimer's disease.

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贾瓦人生活在一个个家庭氏族中,每个氏族都有各自的生活与拾荒领地。Jawas live in familial clans, each with distinct territories for living and scavenging.

另一些人并不确定这一特定的基因链在种系的流传是否瘩杨了下来。Others were not so sure that particular DNA strand survived in their familial bloodline.

目的探讨家族性与散发性精神分裂症临床特征的异同。Objective A controlled study of clinical features of familial and sporadic schizophrenia.

家族性FSGS也可因为某些不同的足突细胞蛋白改变而发生。Familial forms of FSGS also exist due to alterations of several different podocyte proteins.

美墨两国间深厚的家族和文化渊源进一步缩短了两国间的距离。Deep familial and cultural ties across the border shrink the distance between them even more.

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家族性高胆固醇血症可以增加早发冠心病的危险性。The familial hypercholesterolemia could increase the risk of premature coronary heart disease.

目的分析常染色体显性遗传多囊肾的发病特点。Objective To analyze the occurrence character of autosomal dominant familial polycystic kidney.

家族性MG患者的VDR基因多态性与散发性MG患者不同。There are some difference of VDR gene frequencies between familial MG and sporadic MG patients.