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我于是想成为一名步兵。I was supposed to become an infantryman.

她的长子是一名陆军步兵,所在部队将在本月晚些时候前往伊拉克。He is an Army infantryman whose unit is being shipped off to the war in Iraq later this month.

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有个步兵的步枪装有瞄准镜,可以向远处的敌军射击。One infantryman had a rifle with a scope and could pick off enemy soldiers at quite a distance.

作为一名经验丰富的二战老兵,斯科菲尔德曾经在南太平洋作为一名步兵战斗过。A seasoned veteran of World War II, Schofield had fought as an infantryman in the South Pacific.

一个从田纳西州来的24岁大的步兵,单身,这是他第一次的任务,他认为a 24-year-old,single infantryman from Tennessee on his first deployment, offered oneperspective.

一些人成功逃脱,但东不在其中,一名苏联步兵射穿了他的心脏。Some did escape, but Azuma was not among them, for a Soviet infantryman shot him through the heart.

缺乏行动在一个地方,他们希望看到的打击是很难的一个步兵到胃,说巴格达。The lack of action in a place they expected to see combat is hard for an infantryman to stomach, said Spc.

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士兵安慰着一个悲痛欲绝的美国步兵,他的好朋友在一次行动中遇难。A grief stricken American infantryman whose buddy has been killed in action is comforted by another soldier.

一个从田纳西州来的24岁大的步兵,单身,这是他第一次的任务,他认为。Specialist Samuel Michalik, a 24-year-old, single infantryman from Tennessee on his first deployment, offered one perspective.

这个孤僻的步兵曾公开指责1914年十二月的圣诞停战协议,那天英军和德军士兵如兄弟般共庆圣诞。This withdrawn infantryman had denounced the Christmas Truce of December 1914, when British and German soldiers fraternized for a day.

一九一七年帕斯真戴尔之役,德军野战炮瞄准一辆英国坦克,当时有个步兵要搭便车,爬到了车顶上。In the battle of Passchendaele in 1917, a German field gun had targeted a British tank, on top of which an infantryman had hitched a lift.

有些人臆测,他是因为扫荡行动中,一位步兵不小心踉跄撞上他而误击,其他人宣称,他是因为中计遇擒后遭到射杀。Some speculated he was shot by an infantryman who had stumbled upon him during mop-up operations. Others claimed he was killed after being tricked into turning himself in.