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吃香肠会引发旋毛虫病。Sausage can cause trichinosis.

旋毛虫病是一种人畜共患寄生虫病。Trichinosis is a zoonotic parasitic diseases.

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我现在有吃它的权利了,但是它把小毛虫病传染了给了我们。We could have eaten him right up, but it would have given us trichinosis.

她的孩子们吃了她没煮熟的猪肉“可能”会死于旋毛虫病。Her children were “probably” dying of trichinosis from pork she’d undercooked.

提示斑点ELISA法用于旋毛虫病的诊断具有敏感性高、特异性强,有早期诊断价值等优点。This indicated that dot-ELISA had high specificity and sensitivity in the early diagnosis of trichinosis.

对这种现象的一种解释是未煮熟的猪肉会传播一种叫旋毛虫病的疾病。One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is pork that is not cooked sufficiently may spread a disease called trichinosis.

一种解释的猪吃的禁忌是不充分煮熟的猪肉可能传播一种叫旋毛虫病的疾病。One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is that pork that is not cooked sufficiently may spread a disease called trichinosis.

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目的探讨旋毛虫病鼠毒血症的形成以及与中枢神经系统氧化损伤的关系。Objective To study the relationship between formation of toxemia and oxidative damage of central nervous system of mice with trichinosis.

年,分别在河南省许昌市的许昌县及鄢陵县进行人群及动物旋毛虫病流行病学调查。An epidemiological investigation of human and domestic animal trichinosis was carried out in Xuchang and Yanling of Xuchang City, Henan Province in 1996-1997.

其中,成虫抗原和新生幼虫抗原显示出更好的免疫原性,而成虫抗原有可能成为较理想的免疫疫苗来源。Among these antigens, adult and newborn larvae antigens show better immunogenicity and it may be possible that adult antigen will provide a potential vaccine for trichinosis.

目的调查云南大理小兽旋毛虫感染及感染小兽种类,为当地旋毛虫病的防治提供资料。Objective To survey the Trichinella spiralis infection and host species of small mammal in Dali, Yunnan, in order to provide data for prevention and treatment of trichinosis.

应用冰冻旋毛虫幼虫微量沉淀试验检测感染旋毛虫的大鼠、兔及患者血清。The sera collected from the rats and rabbits infected by Trichinella spiralis and from the patients with trichinosis were determined through the microprecipitation test with frozen T. spiralis larvae.