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他是位多产作家。He is a productive writer.

制定生产任务单。Make productive task form.

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真是一顿有意义的午餐。It was a very productive lunch.

我希望这是一次富有成效的会谈。Ihope this meeting is productive.

印度是一个物产丰富的国家。India is a rich productive country.

让你在上午9点前感到疯狂高产。Feel insanely productive before 9 AM.

因而,你将变得更有生产力。Thus, the more productive you will be.

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我应该做些富有成果的事。I should be doing something productive.

观察学习将会非常有效。Observations will be far more productive.

正确的开始以使你的一天更富有成效。Start your day right to be more productive.

注意下你什么时候效率最高。Pay attention to when you’re mot productive.

它既有创造性,当然又讲求放松。It’s both productive and, of course, relaxing.

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实际上,整个团队工作将会更富有成效。In fact, the whole team can be more productive.

它一直物产丰富,而且富有黄金。It had always been productive and rich in gold.

让“诚惶诚恐”的时光变得“富有成效”。Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours".

我希望各位都有所收获并祝研讨会取得成功!I wish you all a productive and successful event!

那么为什么不忽视他们、有效替代他们?So why not ignore them and be productive instead?

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我们必须解放第一生产力。We must emancipate the primary productive forces.

教育必须与生产劳动相结合。Education must be combined with productive labour.

金融,一个高产出的产业萎缩了。Finance, a highly productive industry, has shrunk.