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鹿是食草动物。Deer are herbivorous.

食草动物的犬牙很小或者没有。Herbivorous animals have very small canine teeth, or none.

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然而,食草恐龙到底吃些什麽就不太确定了。We do not know exactly what the herbivorous dinosaurs ate.

这样以草食性动物为食的袋狼就没有了食物。This herbivorous animals to eat the wolf bag, there is no food.

食草族男孩是脆弱的,他们没有强健的身体——瘦。Herbivorous boys are fragile, do not have a stocky body -- skinny.

牠们是有长尾巴的掠食者,猎食其他草食性兽孔目动物。They were long-tailed predators that hunted other herbivorous therapsids.

兔的俗称,是哺乳类兔形目、草食性脊椎动物。The commonly known as rabbit, mammals LAGOMORPHA, herbivorous invertebrates.

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以植物现存量计算,草食性鱼类的年生产力应为78.75吨。The estimated potential annual production of herbivorous fish is 78.75 tons.

草食性恐龙可能曾吞下小圆石以帮助消化。Herbivorous dinosaurs are believed to have swallowde round pebbles to help digestion.

植食性动物和肉食性动物在生态系统里扮演着哪些不可或缺的作用?What are the indispensable roles of herbivorous and carnivorous animals in the ecosystem?

海牛,通常也称之为海中之牛,是唯一一种海洋食草哺乳动物。The manatee, often called the sea cow , is the only exclusively herbivorous marine mammal.

想看看弱小的食草龙怎么战胜强大的食肉龙吗?好,马上播映。Do you want to see how the puny herbivorous dinosaurs defeat the strong carnivorous dinosaur.

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对畜群结构进行适当调整、发展草食性动物。Thirdly. to adjust livestock and herd structure appropriately and to develop herbivorous animals.

以草鱼为母本,杂种一代为父本的回交子代全部为草鱼形,草食性。The backcrossing offsprings from female grass carp and male hybrid F_1 are herbivorous like grass carp.

他似乎是食草除了偶尔缺少植物时吃鬣蜥或蠕虫。He appeared to be herbivorous apart from the occasional agama lizard or worm when plant life was lacking.

鸭嘴龙也称为鸭嘴兽,是白垩纪后期鸟盘目草食性恐龙家族的一员。Yazui Long also known as the platypus, is the late Cretaceous bird-head herbivorous dinosaur of a family.

许多植物都会用蜜浆来吸引蚂蚁,而蚂蚁又会反过来帮助它们除去害虫。Many plants attract ants with nectaries, and the ants in return help remove the plant's herbivorous pests.

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草食类哺乳动物的唇特别发达,有的上唇有唇裂,如兔。Herbivorous mammals like the lip in particular developed, and some are upper lip cleft lip, such as rabbits.

科内特的律师杰克·约翰斯顿说,这颗牙“看起来像是某种食草的啮齿类动物的牙。”" Cornett's attorney, Jack Johnston, said the tooth "looks like it would be from a herbivorous rodent of some type.

尽管在动物学上,熊猫属于食肉目,但是它每天的饮食却是以食草为主。Although the panda is classified in the taxonomy of living things as a carnivore, its diet is primarily herbivorous.