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每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。Each small quadrat must be more homogeneous than the sociation as a whole.

每个小样方必须比整个基群丛更为统一。Each small quadrat must be more homogenerous than the sociation as a whole.

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与方差均值比相比,最近邻体法不受样方大小以及样地形状的影响。Compared to variance-mean ratio, nearest-neighbor method is neither influenced by the size of quadrat nor by the shape of plot.

采用复因素和三因素二次回归正交实验对新型面粉增筋剂进行了研究。By means of compound factors test and three factors quadrat orthogonal test design, the new flour gluten fortifier were studied.

推出首批超过20于种氧级氧化铝高级室内装饰产品。Quadrat launches the first exclusive interior design collection of more than20different products in anodised aluminium. quadrat.

还采用改进的样方方差法监测植物种群空间分布格局的动态。The dynamics of spatial distribution pattern of plant population has also been monitored with improved method of quadrat variance.

样条取样技术在植物生态学或植被组成的变化研究反面应用广泛。The transect sampling technique is most often used in plant ecology to study changes in the composition of vegetation. See also quadrat.

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在线路调查和样方调查的基础上,研究了贵州荔波拉桥喀斯特次生林的物种多样性。Based on the line investigation and the quadrat investigation, species multiplicity in Guizhou Litchi karst secondary forest were studied.

此外乔木层中建群种大叶杨的重要值最大且在样方3中最高。In addition, the importance values of the constructive species, P. lasiocarpa, is the maximum in the tree layer, especially in the quadrat 3.

在采用样方法调查的基础之上,分析了巫溪县白果林场珙桐群落的结构组成和物种多样性特征。On the basis of quadrat investigation of Davidia involucrata community, structure and species diversity of the community were analyzed in Baiguo forest farm of Wuxi county.

采用样方法对六盘水市水城县保华乡拟修建的双桥水库工程区木本植物群落特征进行了调查。To investigate and study on community characteristeristics of herbaceous plant in Shuangqiao reservoir, village Baohua of Shuicheng county, Quadrat sampling method was used.