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甲状腺机能亢进以女性较常见。Hyperthyroidism is more frequent in females than males.

极少数情况下,卵巢甲状腺肿也可以由甲状腺机能亢进引起。Rarely, a struma ovarii can even be a cause for hyperthyroidism.

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她没有高血压和甲亢的个人或家庭病史。She had no personal or family history of hypertension or hyperthyroidism.

甲状腺机能亢进者应少吃海鲜,因为含碘较多,可加重病情。Hyperthyroidism should eat seafood, as more iodine can increase the illness.

方法将217例甲状腺功能亢进症肝火亢盛型患者随机分为2组。Methods 217 patients with hyperthyroidism were randomly divided into 2 groups.

这个病例提醒我们典型的心狡痛可以是甲状腺机能亢进的一开始表现。We are reminded that typical chest pain might be the first symptom of hyperthyroidism.

结论门诊治疗甲状腺功能亢进症,甲巯咪唑为首选。Conclusion Methimazole is the first choice for the treatment of hyperthyroidism disease.

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结果甲状腺功能亢进20例、甲状腺功能正常12例、甲状腺功能减低28例。Results Hyperthyroidism was found in 20 cases, euthyroidism in 12, hypothyroidism in 28.

这可能是甲亢患者氨基酸代谢的特征之一。It may be one of the characteristics of metabolism of plasma amino acids in hyperthyroidism.

目的探讨青少年甲亢的治疗方法。Objective To investigate an effective therapy for the treatment of adolescent hyperthyroidism.

结论甲亢可影响窦房结功能使其心动过缓。Conclusion Hyperthyroidism presenting as bradycardia is related to the sinoatrial node function.

目的探讨健康教育在131I治疗甲亢患者过程中的重要性。Objective To explore the significance of health education in 131I treatment for hyperthyroidism.

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结果全组病例无异位栓塞和死亡,2例发生甲亢危象。Results There was no misembolization and mortality. Hyperthyroidism crisis developed in 2 cases.

根据甲状腺扫描和蛋白结合碘检查结果说明你得了甲状腺机能亢进病。The results of the thyroid scanning and protein-bound-iodine show that you have hyperthyroidism.

甲状腺功能亢进症,简称“甲亢”,是临床常见的内分泌系统疾病。Hyperthyroidism, referred to as "hyperthyroidism" is a common clinical endocrine system diseases.

方法分析12例甲亢合并周期性麻痹患者的临床资料。Methods 12 cases of patients with hyperthyroidism merger periodic paralysis of the clinical data.

结论胰岛素抵抗可能为甲亢患者发生周期性麻痹的原因之一。Conclusion Insulin resistance might be one cause of the periodic paralysis in hyperthyroidism patients.

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毕竟,迄今那些癌症和甲状腺功能亢进症的人有最活跃的棕色脂肪。After all, the people who have the most active brown fat so far are those with cancer and hyperthyroidism.

本文讨论了甲状腺结合球蛋白过多时的甲状腺机能亢进的诊断问题。The problem of diagnose hyperthyroidism in the presence of thyroxine-binding globulin excess is discussed.

由甲状腺机能亢进引起的心律失常在甲亢病人中特别容易出现。Cardiac arrhythmias caused by methacholine are particularly prone to occur in patients with hyperthyroidism.