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电是生产氯酸盐的主要原料。Electricity is the main material for chlorate production.

利用氧阴极与DSA阳极组装成一种新型氯酸盐电解槽。A new chlorate cell system with a DSA anode and an oxygen cathode was set up.

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碰巧有一些氯酸钠从热躺在浴缸,我们拿起左右。Happened to have some sodium chlorate lying around from a hot tub we just picked up.

氯酸钠是一种用途广泛的无机盐,是制备二氧化氯的重要原料。Sodium chlorate is a kind of mineral salt which has wide use in bleaching, dyeing, etc.

氯酸钾抗性是区分籼粳分化的指标之一。Potassium chlorate tolerance is one of the criteria differentiated japonica from indica.

本文介绍了用氯酸钾与硫酸联氨反应制备二氧化氯的新方法。The method of chlorine dioxide preparation by using chlorate and hydrazine sulfate is studied.

即在氧烛配方中舍弃燃料,而使用外加的微波作为氯酸盐分解的热源。The fuel in chlorate candle of this new type is abandoned, and microwave energy is loaded as heat source.

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同时也介绍了中国的氯酸钠生产工艺和设备。At the same time, China's sodium chlorate production technology and equipment is also discussed in this paper.

以糠醛为主要原料,氯酸钠为氧化剂,五氧化二钒为催化剂,合成富马酸。The Fumaric is composed by furfural, with Sodium chlorate as oxidizing agent, catalyst of Vanadium pentox-jde.

叙述以卤水为原料生产氯酸钠的工艺,并阐述该工艺的生产优势。Sodium chlorate production process with bittern as raw material is described, and its advantages are discussed.

分析了在氯酸盐生产过程中次氯酸产生的原因及对工艺过程的影响。The reasons of hypochloric acid produced and its effects on the process in the production of chlorate are analyzed.

利用蚕豆根尖微核技术研究了氯酸钾细胞遗传毒性和污染效应。The genetic toxicity and pollution effects of potassium chlorate on Vicia faba root tip cells were studied by means of VAMCN.

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氯酸钠是一种用途广泛的无机盐,是制备二氧化氯的重要原料。The sodium chlorate is a kind of mineral salt that has wide use and an important material for preparing the chlorine dioxide.

本文以M.L方法介绍了氯酸钙、氯酸钾、氯酸镁系列化合物的合成和性质检验。This paper introduces the preparation and quality tests of calcium chlorate. magnesium chlorate . potassium chlorate by M. L method.

当氯酸钠溶液中含有少量氯化钠时,将降低高级酸钠的产率。While little sodium chloride existed in the sodium chlorate solution, the rate of production of sodium perchlorate would be reduced.

并对二氧化锰与氯酸钾以何种比例混合使产率最好进行初步的探讨。A discussion is also made to find out what is the right mixing proportion ofmanaganese dioxide to potassium chlorate to produce most.

以七水硫酸亚铁、硫酸、氯酸钠等原料,制备了改性聚合硫酸铁絮凝剂。Modified polymerized ferric sulphate flocculating agent was made with ferrous sulphate heptahydrate , sulphate acid, natrium chlorate etc.

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综述了化学氧源中氯酸盐及过氧化物产氧剂的组成、制备及应用。Composition, preparation and application of chemical oxygen source such as chlorate candles and peroxide O-generating agents are described.

介绍了以钛基体二氧化铅作为阳极,电解氯酸钠合成高氯酸钠的过程。A process of electrolytic synthesis of sodium perchlorate from sodium chlorate solution by lead dioxide anode based titanium metal is introduced.

氯酸钠在造纸和饮用水方面取代液氯为大势所趋,公司产能释放有较强保障。Sodium chlorate in the paper and drinking water to replace chlorine as the trend of the times, the company has strong capacity to protect the release.