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为我盘起长发的人。Who will coil my hair.

狗狗专用的盘圈型蚊香。Mosquito coil for dogs.

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自动绕线机“,”Automatic Coil Winding Machine.

烧穿的线圈应换新的。The burnt coil should be renewed.

可配专用偏转线圈。It can equip with deflection coil.

把一板大铁针放进线圈里。Put a big iron nail into the coil.

这款抓手一次能握住一个线圈壁。The tongs grips one wall of the coil.

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是的,自动上发条的线圈松了。Yeah, the self-winding coil is loose.

平滑扼流圈线圈可以缩小。Smoothing choke coil can be downsized.

通过原线圈在次级线圈中产生电流。An inducting current, circuit, or coil.

不锈钢盘管有哪些种类?What are the types of stainless steel coil?

电感线圈,线圈,电子元器件。Inductor coil , coil , Electronic Component.

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使用了两种类型的直接蒸发盘管。Two types of direct expansion coil are used.

它会盘绕在蛋周围。It will coil itself around the egg,” he said.

生产范围包括各种类型的空芯线圈。Production covers all types of air-core coil.

怎么确定初级线圈的极性?How to find the polarity of the primary coil ?

被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦。Lull'd by the coil of his crystalline streams.

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连接励磁线圈导线到C接线柱。Connect the field coil lead wire to terminal C.

螺旋弹簧的使用最为普遍。The coil -spring arrangement is the most common.

电路由一个大型的李兹线蛛网线圈开始。The circuit starts with a large litz spider coil.