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啊,古典的力量啊。Ah, the power of quaintness.

店铺里依然弥漫着一种亲切的古雅气氛。The shops had still a pleasant quaintness.

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城市的优美造型和传统的古雅情趣突出了香港的种种反差。Urban sleekness and traditional quaintness highlight the contrasts of Hong Kong.

广州是一个大熔炉,光鲜和传统的古雅情趣是这座城市的亮点。Guangzhou is a melting pot, as urban sleekness and traditional quaintness highlight the city.

很多人沉缅于片中歇斯底里和它描述毒瘾的奇特手法。Many people the hysteria of that film and the quaintness of the way that it depicts drug addiction.

可是,只要稍加研究就不难发现,老书尽管古怪,却包含着不少优点。But, in spite of their quaintness , a little study revealed that the old reading books have many redeeming features.

开头,我的学员们觉得,和现今使用的色彩鲜艳的大开本教科书相比,这些书显得太小、太古怪了。At first my students were struck by the small size and quaintness of the old books compared with the large, colourful ones in current use.

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火车进站啦!红红绿绿的「号志柄」,为铁路支线的站旁凭添不少颜色与古意。图为内湾线的合兴站。Train coming in! The red, green and blue signal switches add color and quaintness to stations along the secondary lines. Shown here is Hohsing Station on the Neiwan line.

女性生命个体的幽雅、细腻、浪漫、坚韧的自然属性造就了景德镇女性陶艺家的当代素质与品格。The contemporary female personal and yet natural characteristics of elegance, quaintness , romance and toughness of the Jingdezhen women ceramics artists are truly made known in their work.

一般志得意满的时髦的西方人总认为,茶道仪式不过是组成东方古怪幼稚特质的一千零一种奇特仪式中最为寻常的一种。The average Westerner, in his sleek complacency, will see in the tea ceremony but another instance of the thousand and one oddities which constitute the quaintness and childishness of the East to him.