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不可奸淫。You shall not commit adultery.

我只是不想背著你犯下通奸罪。I just wanted to avoid adultery.

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现在他以通奸罪控告维克多。Now he accused Victor of adultery.

由于诱惑所犯的通奸罪。The temptation to commit adultery.

很抱歉,我认为私通不应是合法的。I'm sorry, adultery should be illegal.

两地分居最大的问题是外遇。The biggest problem is the separation of adultery.

这个世界也用不着戏剧去表演偷鸡摸狗的勾当了。The world doesn’t need another drama about adultery.

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一个年轻男子通奸被告成自我放逐驱动。A young man accused of adultery was driven into self-exile.

不过有趣的是,现在外遇的数量似乎在减少。What is interesting is that adultery seems to be decreasing.

小说的开场是一个家庭的破裂和婚外情。The novel begins with a case of family brokenness and adultery.

如果他们知道,就不会被诱惑,成为第三者了。If they did, they would not have been tempted to commit adultery.

而后1536年,亨利以通奸罪将安妮斩首。Then in 1536, the king had Anne beheaded on a charge of adultery.

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戈拉米说,在伊朗,官员认为通奸是比谋杀还罪大恶极的重罪。In Iran, officials consider adultery worse than murder, Gholami said.

比如在伊朗,一名已经是两个孩子的父亲的人因为通奸罪而被处以石刑。In Iran, for example, a father of two was stoned to death for adultery.

在南传大藏经之中,这条原则被用来批判通奸。In the Samyutta Nikaya he uses this principle to advise against adultery.

讨论婚姻不可能避开性无能和通奸这样的题目。Discussions of marriage cannot avoid topics such as impotence and adultery.

阿什蒂亚尼在2006年被判犯有通奸罪,并面临着执行死刑的可能性。Ashtiani was convicted of adultery in 2006 and faces the possibility of execution.

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当我们与世俗的试探眉来眼去地调情时,神称之为属灵的奸淫。When we flirt with the temptations of this world, God calls it spiritual adultery.

纵然你不行奸淫,你却杀人,你仍成了犯法的人。Even if you do not commit adultery but kill, you have become a transgressor of the law.

有人提议将通奸变成违法的犯罪行为,然而民意并不认同。However, proposals to make adultery a criminal offense have met little popular support.