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你是怎么进入你的联谊会的?How did you get in your sorority?

玛莉在大学的时候加入了女学生联谊会。Mary joined a sorority when she was at college.

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维多利亚、米歇尔与艾琳是女生联谊会里的好姐妹。Victoria, Michelle, and Erin are sorority sisters.

按次序排,玛丽将是第四个获准加入女生联谊会的人。Mary is fourth in the to be admired to the sorority.

有,我参加了女大学生联谊会,还参加了管弦乐团。Yeah. I'm in my sorority. And I'm also in the orchestra.

我已经错过了所有的类似加入女生联谊会这样的事情。I missed out on all those things like joining a sorority.

这日,我坐在公车上去联谊会。Today, I was on the bus going to forming for my sorority.

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在女生联谊会中,她的恶作剧总是欢乐的根源。Her escapades were a subject of merriment in the sorority house.

加入俱乐部,校园广播站,年鉴编撰,大学生联谊会或是大学女生联谊会。Join a club, campus radio station, yearbook staff, frat, or sorority.

跟每个联谊会谈话,有一点循环赛的感觉。and they talk to each sorority like, they make a little round-robin kind of thing.

然后他们就把女生放进他们认为最适合这个女生的联谊会里。And they try to place the girls in the sorority that they think would best fit them.

现在所有的兄弟会,姐妹会和学生会都禁止饮酒。Now alcohol is banned from all fraternity and sorority houses and university housing.

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你通常能看出这些人是谁,因为他们会为自己姐妹群与兄弟会盛装打扮。You can usually tell who they are because they dress up for their sorority and their frat.

她们跟我们讲点话,我们就讲讲我们的联谊会,And they get to justtalk to us for a little bit, and we try to tell them about our sorority

然后参加招新的女生选择她们想去的联谊会。And then the girls going through recruitment get to choose which sorority they want to be in.

你正在宣誓加入姐妹会,或者和你男朋友在一起,或者我甚至不知道你还做什么。You were pledging your sorority. Or with your boyfriend or I don't even know what else you do.

最最开始其实只是她发了一封电子邮件到她的姐妹会,而现在已经成长为一项几百万的业务。What started out as an e-mail sent to her sorority sisters is now a multimillion-dollar business.

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2007年,凯利瓦伦个人专栏写了一篇文章爱为纽约时报的现代题为“我的联谊会承诺呢?In 2007, Kelly Valen wrote a personal essay for the New York Times' Modern Love column titled, "My Sorority Pledge?"

随后我进入了大学,由于那些锯齿状的粗结,在那匆匆而过的时光里,女学生联谊会的姐妹们却给了我一段非常艰难的时间。Then I went to college, and my sorority sisters gave me a hard time about my scraggly nubs when it was time for rush.

“粉色俱乐部”就像一个男生幻想版的女生联谊会派对,融合了亮片帽衫和配有丁字裤的芭蕾舞短裙。Club Pink§ was like the fraternity fantasy version of a sorority party, with sequined hoodies and tutus paired with thongs.