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巳经将这个班组织起来。The class has been organized.

他们有条理清晰、乐于交际。They were organized and social.

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工作很有条理,办事高。Be highly organized and effecient.

管理模式也像监狱They were organized for that, too.

食品存量检查了吗?Victual control meeting organized.

这篇文章写得很拉杂。The article is very badly organized.

他工作很有条理,而且办事效率高。He is highly organized and efficient.

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他们是按出生月份排的。They have it organized by birth month.

本活动是由丽莎-麦琳所负责的。This event is organized by Liza Milne.

在903年被组建为一属地。It was organized as a territory in 903.

精心组织方法和办法。A well organized methodology and approach.

实际劳动力有一万二千。They organized workers into a labor group.

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然而,这次集会组织得非常好。Nevertheless, the rally was well organized.

我们在1958年成了这个人民公社。We organized this people's commune in 1958.

这是犯罪组织主要的赚钱方式。It is a major moneymaker for organized crime.

用于审核的检查表有没有搞好?。Are well organized check list exist for audit?

他们仿效英国模式组建自己的海军。They organized their navy on an English model.

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佛学院有办实地考察活动吗?Are there field trips organized by the Academy?

这个短语代表井然有序,条理分明。It means in perfect order, very well organized.

你所看到的是有组织的医疗犯罪。What you are seeing is organized medical crime.