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我常常去拜访他。I visit him regularly.

你应该有规律地坚持做。You should do it regularly.

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您的月经正常吗?。Do you menstruate regularly?

定期检查你的生活。Examine your life regularly.

有规侓地训练你的宠物。Exercise your pet regularly.

内阁定期开会。The cabinet meets regularly.

这个房间定期通风。The room is aired regularly.

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你应该经常漱口。You should gargle regularly.

这台引擎耗油状况完全正常。The engine regularly combusted.

最好就是勤加练习。It's good to practise regularly.

经常擦油,以免生锈。Oil it regularly to prevent rust.

我们经常出去散步以保持健康。We walk out regularly to keep fit.

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这些木桩需定期更换。These have to be regularly replaced.

园丁定期刈草。The gardener mows the grass regularly.

如果你手动备份,一定要定期进行。Backup regularly if you do it manually.

但是你做的梦是有规律的吗?But do you have these dreams regularly?

您觉得宫缩有规律了吗?。Do you feel the contractions regularly?

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孙海平确信他的训练是有规律的。Sun Haiping is that he rains regularly.

为了杀虫,请定期在地面上洒药。To kill bugs, spray the area regularly.

你应该经常用含漱液漱口。You should gargle the throat regularly.